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Sameer's POV

"Why are you paying the medical bills for Swapna?" Finally, she opened her mouth after dinner.

It's 11 in the night and I am waiting for the clock to strike 12.

"Ah...!" I trailed off and looked at her holding her hands.

"Tell me, Sameer."She placed her hand on my cheek.

"Because of her mother, I promised her mother that I will take care of her," I mumbled.

"What?!" She stood up and shouted.

"Niyu, Please!" He caught my shoulders and made me sit.

"I went to her home searching for her, I want to ask her why she did all these things. I didn't find her but met her mother." I sighed and looked at her.

She is looking at me void of any emotions. I felt worried.

"Niyu!" I spelt her name slowly.

She didn't respond but nodded at me.

I continued as I have no choice.

"She scolded and blamed me for Swapna's situation. She stated that it's my fault, its completely my fault. I raised false hopes." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Sameer" She cupped my face and gave a peck on my forehead.

"I always treated her like a good friend, She was my best friend." I kissed her hand, squeezing it.

"You know except Aditi there was no for me to share my pain. She was too young to convince me. I needed a shoulder to hang on and share my pain. Swapna was there for me. She was my best friend. She was there with me at the time of my parent's divorce." I looked at her.

She nodded and wiped her tears away.

I sighed and continued.

"Suddenly I observed some change in her behaviour. She was not the same my very own sweet Swapna who encouraged me in my every step and shared my pain all the time."

"She started behaving weirdly, she used to..." I trailed off.

"She used to...." Niyathi patted my shoulder and looked at me pursing her lips.

"She used to seduce me..and..." I looked away as its difficult for me to complete the sentence.

"Sameer..." She hugged me.

"I slapped her twice or thrice but a friend in me is not at all willing to leave her hand. She got addicted to drugs, alcohol. She ruined her life completely in front of my eyes."

Niyathi released me from her hug and looked at me with a sullen expression.

"What did I do? Nothing. I am her friend and I even don't know the reason behind her behaviour?"

"I learnt that she envied you, my Niyathi, my life, my your place in my heart. I wondered why?"

"She was alone, broody and needs someone to take care of her like a parent, like a brother. "

"From childhood, I know how She always craved for her father's affection? She wanted a man to protect her from all the evil things of the society"

"You know What? I saw my own reflection in her. I understood her pain, she was going through the same pain which I was gone through when my parents got divorced."

I looked at Niyathi. She smiled at me with a pale face.

"The next day I found her in her flat, thriving for her life, in the pool of blood. I contacted her mom. She came blaming me and accusing me. She wanted to file a case against me, but I begged her not to do so. If she does it then it will throw both of us me and Swapna into a big risk. She is a drug addict and for it, she has to face the consequence." I sat there pursing my lips.

She is looking at me quietly.

"Sameer." She spoke my name gently.

"Niyathi" I nodded and shifted my gaze at her.

"I have no choice Niyathi, I was left with no choice" I mumbled.

"I can understand"She looked at me affectionately.

"But I have one doubt?!" She blurted suddenly.

"What?" I peeped into her eyes, she looks so hesitant to speak.

"Tell me, Niyathi, Please," I begged.

"But...!" She trailed off soon the clock strikes the twelve.

I smiled and took her into my eyes.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." I kissed her cheek and twirled her in the air once or twice.

She laughed in rapture.

Her grin and gleam in eyes allowed a
Smile to dance on my lips.

"I Love so much Niyathi, I love you more than my self. You are my breath, you are my life, you are my everything. I want to grow old with you, I want to cherish every memory into a memorable moment." She got down from my arms and stood there looking into my eyes.

"I love you too Sameer." She said smiling with ecstasy.

"Let us cut the cake," I whispered into her eyes.

"Yes," She cooed.

"Then come," I caught her hand and dragged her to the table.

"Wow.." She looked at the cake and candle.

"Do you like it?" I asked her quickly.

"It's beautiful." She hugged me from the side.

"Thank you..." I turned to her and gave a peck on her lips.

She blushed and looked away biting her lower lip.

"Cut the cake." I caught her hand and placed the knife in her hand.

She clasped her hand with mine and looked at the cake holding the knife.

"Let us do it together." She said huskily.

"Quick!" She nuzzled my ear with her nose.

We both cut the cake and she fed me the first piece.

I took a small piece and fed her.

"I want to stay in arms forever like this."She whispered.

"It would be my pleasure to have you in my arms." I laughed.

"I love you Sameer" Saying this she captured my lips.


But why is Swapna using Sameer's address and credit cards for buying drugs? Does Sameer know it? Sameer is thinking Niyathi is upset because She doesn't want him to pay the medical bills for Swapna, but he doesn't know the real reason why Niyathi is upset.

What will happen now?

Tell me how is the chapter.

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