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Sameer's POV.

"I am really happy for you" Swathi Bhabi looked at me with an enchanting smile.

"Thank you Bhabi" I chuckled trying to hide my blush.

"Finally, Sameer Mishra is getting engaged tomorrow." Krithik Bhaiya said in a cheerful tone.

"Look at his blush," Avni Bhabi chuckled.

"What about preparations?" Prateek Bhaiya asked looking at Swathi Bhabi.

"All done," She said handing him a glass of juice. Pihu ran to her father and sat in his lap with a smile.

"What about your dress?" Krithik Bhiaya asked me quickly, raising his eyebrow.

Everything happened so quickly that I have no time to go shopping.

I haven't checked online sites also as I want to pick it by my hand.

I frowned at them shrugging my shoulders.

"Haven't you selected your dress?" Swathi Bhabi looked at me strangely.

"He hasn't seen rings yet" Avni Bhabi complained and kept two boxes in my hand.

These are rings specially ordered by Niyathi, both the designs are chosen by her.

I don't know anything about the design and all. I just can't believe that it's my engagement tomorrow.

"He will pick a new suit from his wardrobe like any other day" Prateek Bhaiya looked at me in disbelief.

"Ah...!" I looked away trying to avoid his glare.

"I can't believe that it's my engagement tomorrow" I blurted it so suddenly in front of everyone.

Everyone looked a bit surprised and worried at a time. I tried to smile at them with a happy face

Swathi Bhabi came to me and held my hand gently.

"You have to believe it," She said patting my hand gently.

I smiled again a bit nervously.

"Sameer," Prateek Bhaiya placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I am worried and I don't know why? Maybe because of my parent's disturbed marriage. "

"I tried my best to not to believe in love but I found it difficult to hide my feelings to myself."

"I don't want to blame them too, I know they both are two different people. I still wonder why aren't they compatible, they are two wonderful human beings." I sighed.

Prateek Bhaiya sighed and nodded.

"We can understand you are worried and life was never smooth for you."

"But believe me you know how to handle all the situations like a brave heart."

"These incidents, these memories shouldn't stop you from accepting the truth."

"Be happy, From tomorrow Niyathi will be part of your life officially. You have to keep all your doubts and prejudice aside and should invite her into your life with a pure heart." She looked at me with a smile.

"Sameer, Every couple are different, their stories, their struggles are different. Your mom and dad aren't an exception but unfortunately, they couldn't make it up till the end." Krithik Bhaiya said looking at me with a serious expression.

Probably this is the very first time he is speaking to me in a serious tone.

"I hope you both have solved all your differences, why to think about past that makes you worry." Avni Bhabi said taking a step holding Krithik Bhaiya's hand.

They both looked at each other smiling broadly.

"Let us go for shopping" Prateek Bhaiya declared clapping.

"Probably you are the only one groom who shops just a day before engagement" Swathi Bhabi is pulling my leg laughing at me.

We spent all day shopping and dining at the restaurant.

Finally, we came home with smiles, carrying shopping bags.

Everyone left to their houses leaving me at Mishra Bhavan.

Mom came to Mishra Bhavan after a decade just for me, for my engagement.

Everyone welcomed her warmly and my grandparents are overwhelmed with joy because of her presence.

I am very much delighted to see her there cherishing all those memories.

We talked for an hour and went back to our rooms, I pinched myself to check is everything real or not?

I couldn't believe that what is actually happening? I tried to sleep, closed my eyes, relax for a while, but I couldn't sleep. My heart is fluttering fast, I am smiling nervously, I am sweating profusely yet I am happy.

I am overwhelmed with happiness and nervousness at a time. I have a strong belief that I can't stay happy for a long time, I feel I am cursed.

I tried to prove this belief wrong and lead a happy life but It kept proving true all the time. So I become nervous unconsciously whenever I am happy.

This belief started with the separation of mom and dad. My inferiority complex got intensified as time passed, I always feel I am unworthy for happiness.

Mom walked out of this house leaving me all alone when I was a teenager. I struggled a lot to cope up with my inferiority complex but I failed miserably. I looked at dad for help but he was too busy with business.

I badly wanted someone to share my problems with, my sister was there but she is too young to deal with a stingy kid like me.

Days passed I came to know about mom's illness, I realised my mistake. I learnt she needs care, She needs someone to share her pain.

Slowly I started living with her. I came out of depression successfully. But Still today I get worried about being happy, I feel overwhelming happiness will bring a kind of problem.

I may sound different but it's my biggest weakness.

This is the belief which made me believe that Niyathi had a boyfriend.

This is the belief which made me think she accepted this marriage for the sake of mom.

Now I have to keep all my prejudice aside, all my beliefs aside to invite her with a pure heart.

I sighed and laid on the bed looking at the ceiling trying to smile heartily.

How is the chapter?

It is a filler as I wanted to tell you why Sameer behaves like a confused soul before Niyathi

Hope he will be fine soon.

Thank you.

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Next chapter Niyathi will almost cause a heart attack to Sameer.

Take care.

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By for now.

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