Make Up

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I was sitting downstairs with Ava-Jai in my lap while I watched tv. I felt a little tug on my chain and I looked down to see her gumming on my chain. My eyes widened and I began to lightly pop her hands away and try to remove the chain from her mouth.

"AJ, let it go." I said sternly. "It's dirty."

She squealed and pulled it back to herself as I tried to pull it away.

"I'm not about to play tug of war with you, little girl. I said let go and that's what I meant." I warned.

She whined, poking out her bottom lip, still holding onto the chain. I watched as she batted her eyelashes at me and made little whimper noises.

"You just like your momma." I chuckled. "The same pout and all."

I finally got her to let go of my chain and I got up with her in my arms. She made little noises with her mouth as I carried her into the kitchen to get a teething ring.

I walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see Zo at the fridge, looking for something to snack on. She was just upstairs throwing up like there was no tomorrow. She really got wasted last night, but the worse part is...

She doesn't remember anything from last night.

She blacked out last night once I finally got her in the bed.

She's also still mad at me.

But I know Zo like the back of my hand. So, even if she did remember last night, she'd still be mad.

I'd think she was being petty if I didn't know that there was more on her mind than just what I said in the car that day she bailed me out. But she's got so many other things that have her upset with me and she just keeps them bundled up inside.

I have no idea why she just won't tell me how she feels.

"Do you need an aspirin?" I asked her.

She glanced back at me before ignoring my question and continuing to search through the fridge.

"I can get it myself." She finally mumbled.

"Well, just to kind of help you out a little, that's not the medicine cabinet." I chuckled.

She sucked her teeth. "I guess you think I'm fucking stupid. You know damn well that I know this is a refrigerator."

"I was just trying to lighten the moo--"

"Well, don't." She cut me off.

Ava-Jai looked like she wanted to reach for her mother, but I guess the tone in Nique's voice had her scared to try to be held. It irritated me, on the low, because Ava hasn't seen her since last night. I know she wants to spend some time with her mom.

"I hope you know that you're scaring your daughter with the way you're speaking." I stated.

Nique glanced over at us and Ava-Jai stared back with two of her fingers in her mouth.

"She doesn't look scared to me." She quipped. "Get her fingers out of her mouth and either give her a teething ring or her pacifier."

"Why don't you do it? She hasn't--"

"So, you really want to start with me today?" She slammed the refrigerator door closed. "Why do you always have to get smart with me? I don't do anything but sit around here, all day, everyday, taking care of our daughter. So, excuse me if I feel like I need a small break. I'm just trying to let you spend some time with her since you're hardly ever here. It's a blessing that she even knows who you are." She snapped.

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