Dancing with the Bad Boy

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{I would not wish any companion in the world but you}

-William Shakespeare

Lucinda only knew how to do one thing. Dance.

She always resorted to dancing whenever her dysfunctional family always turned their back on her.

Dancing kept Lucinda sane.

Until he came along.

You wouldn't call Lucinda Raelyn a good girl nor a bad girl. That was it. She was also never in between. She was always the girl with a hoodie over her head, ignoring her peer's distasteful stares but she knew that they were intimidated after dislocating a boy's arm and nose.

It wasn't her fault that the boy didn't know how to watch his mouth.

Sora Lockhart was a boy who's family has shipped off to California to live with his grandparents after having their last straw with him.

New to Lucinda's school, Sora has already claimed the title of the delinquent boy due to his numerous tattoos, devilishly handsome looks and ruthless attitude towards his peers and teachers.

After Lucinda had shoulder-bumped Sora and walked away without giving an apology, Sora is determined to pursue her and find out who the real Lucinda is under that hoodie, breaking his number one rule; never chase after a girl.


Do not copy my book or ANY other author's books at all. There will be consequences and I'm sure you've read other notices like this so I don't have to remind you. You will be reported, blocked and your Wattpad account may be removed. Just a little, simple, warning.


This is a work of fiction created by the author's imagination. Characters, places, events and names came from the author's creativity and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental.

I will also be writing this novel in British/Australian English for I am Australian and I love how the way we spell things. Also, the ONE thing that I will NOT be writing in British/Australian English is the word 'mom'.

Copyright © ariella-roses, 2019


Lucinda Raelyn

Lucinda Raelyn

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Sora Lockhart

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Sora Lockhart

Sora Lockhart

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