eight | competition

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It has been a few days later and during those few days, my dance instructor continuously trained me rigorously, perfecting every flaw in my movements even if they were small. She was definitely tough but she had admitted that she saw potential in me and she wouldn't give me up. She had pushed me to my breaking points multiple times during our practices at the ice-skating rink and told me to toughen up when all I had wanted to do was cry and give out to my body.

School -for the past few days- had been silent because Sora rarely attended History classes and I had hardly saw him around school. I had been in the dance room whenever I could do and that had been probably why. I had wondered where he was and what he was doing but my mind only lingered on it for mere seconds before moving on. The workload was becoming heavier seeing as our mid-terms were slowly creeping up.

It was two hours before my figurine skating competition and was now completing a stretch backstage. I had picked a corner in the room, allowing myself to become calm and relaxed. As I arched my back and pulled my leg closer to my head, I inhaled a breath as the tip of my toes touch the top of my head before holding it there for a couple moments then slowly released my foot. I didn't normally do figurine skating competitions but I had done them three times a couple years ago but my dance instructor had said it was good to broaden the dance field.

My mother and Adam weren't coming and I knew that. Even when I was younger, my mother barely attended my competitions because she was too busy hitting the high-end clubs or restaurants to find her "perfect" man. Instead, it was always my dance instructors who took me to the competitions and got me through it. My mother somehow found ways to pay for the tuitions and I figured at least whoring herself out was the best she could do.

"Snap out of it," a familiar voice rung, bringing me out of my dream-world as I blinked and looked up to find my instructor shaking her head. "You need to remove everything from your mind when you're up there and focus solely on your piece."

I sighed, standing on my two feet and nodded. "Yes, I know." My instructor's, Chloé's, eyes raked up and down at my outfit as she nodded in approval. I was wearing a midnight blue ice skating dress with a black, sheer mesh skirt with silver rhinestones wrapped around my waist, making my waist seem smaller than it was. I wore beige-coloured tights under my skating dress to make my legs seem more shiny and smooth yet also protecting me from the ice if I fell. I wore dark clothings because the song I was to be dancing to was sorrowful and sad, much like my childhood. My hair was pulled into a high bun, hairspray and gel smack down on my hair to keep the flyaways at bay. Looking down beside me, I picked up my white skates and quickly put it on before holding onto my instructor's offered arm.

"You can do it, Lucinda," Chloé whispered, her eyes hopeful and admittedly, it sparked some sort of hope inside me to. "Make it worth your while and don't forget to have fun out there."

Inhaling a breath, I nodded as she kissed my cheek before pushing me out to the rink. I gulped as I skated towards the centre and positioned myself, the spotlight focused on me and nothing else. My heart drummed against my chest as my eyes scanned the dark crowd, unable to see the faces that were going to watch me. I knew the judges were to my left at a long table, also hidden in the dark to avoid any distractions.

"Contestant number fifteen, Lucinda Grace Raelyn, begin when you're ready," the announcer's voice boomed.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I nodded at the spotlight as the music began to blare from the speakers. The second I heard the sound of a violin, I began. I moved with such grace, as if those practices just mere days before didn't even affect me. I moved elegantly, how my instructor has instilled in my mind multiple times and from past experiences and begin to lose myself in the music, my body taking over as I released myself to it. I allowed the song to guide me, tugging me in the same directions that I had practiced over and over again.

By the time I was done, I was skating to the backstage where I met with my instructor who had tears in her eyes. She caught me in her arms and rocked me side to side and whispered how proud of me. I couldn't help but thanked her and allowed myself a minute to breathe.

After taking off my skates, I realised that the other contestants were murmuring under their breaths and glancing behind me every few seconds. I frowned, confused, as I turned around and almost jumped when a tall figure dressed in black clothing leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

"That was a beautiful piece," a thick, Australian accent left its mouth, causing my heart lodged in my throat as I froze, my eyes widening at how familiar it sounded. The dark figure pushed himself off the wall and took off his hoodie as the infamous smirk played on his new bruised lips. "Lucinda Grace Raelyn."

I rolled my eyes, the memory of what had happened almost a week ago now evident in my head. I walked towards my locker and opened it quickly, seeing Chloé talk to another instructor in my peripheral vision. I grabbed a water bottle and chugged it down, satisfying my thirst.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" Sora asked as I felt his presence nearby. He was in a pair of sweats and a hoodie but sweat matted his forehead and somehow I knew he had just come from his fight. "I literally begged your instructor to tell me where you were performing and drove two hours to come see your performance."

I scoffed, taking my bag out and closing the locker before turning away as I walked towards the vending machine, trying to figure out what to eat.

"Luce, this is my way of apologising to you for the other day," Sora explained. "Look, I'm...I'm s-sorry." The last word that escaped his lips seemed unnatural as if he never apologised often.

I couldn't help but snap my attention to him and chuckled. "This is your idea of an apology?"

Sora ran a hand over his face. "I was trying to figure out how to apologise to you for the past couple days. It's been tough, okay?"

I sighed. "Seriously, why are you trying so hard? Are you trying to become my friend?"

Sora froze, contemplating his answer. "Uh, sure. Hey, I talked to your instructor and I can take you home."

I waved it off. "I don't want to go home with you."

That annoying smirk said otherwise when I found myself being pulled out of the backstage, Chloè waving me off as I stared at her in horror.

Sora led me to his Mercedes and opened the door for me, waiting for me to get inside. When I stood before the open door and shook my head, arms across my chest while my eyes scanned the sketchy area, Sora chuckled. "If you don't get in, the gangs will come out of hiding and I don't think you'd want that."

I frowned, scoffing at him. "What gangs?"

The minute those words left my lips, I immediately saw a few figures emerging from the shadows, laughing and hitting each other. I gulped and quickly got in, earning a laugh from Sora as he closed the door after me.

I must've fallen asleep during the long car ride because Sora had shaken me awake and pointed at a small diner that he had stopped by. It was small but aesthetic with neon lights flashing in the dark and it was so dark that I didn't know my surroundings. Sora had said we weren't too far from home and that it would take another half hour drive.

"So, what are you getting at-" Sora paused, looking down at his watch and smirked before glancing up at me. "-11:35pm?"

I shrugged, too exhausted to argue or make a snarky comment. "I don't know but I'm hungry." I did starve myself for a few bdays before the competition so I was able to balance my body weight on my toes.

"Let's get a large burger and a chocolate milkshake," Sora said as he nodded at his menu. My only thought was why was this diner still open at night? It wasn't like Sora and I were alone seeing as there were a few locals hanging around, mostly our age. "And fries."

I simply nodded as Sora slid out of our booth and walked up to the cashier. I began to feel light-headed as I leaned my head against the palm of my hand, my eyes failing to keep open as my throat was now dry like a desert. My tongue was scorching hot and my breaths were now beginning to cut short. Before I knew it, I fell smacked down to the floor, the ringing in my ears blaring as if to deafen me while the black hole in my vision began to grow.

I gave into the sweet lure of oblivion.

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