twenty-nine | hidden past

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I must admit, I was eternally grateful for Sora. He had found me when I thought no one would find me, when I had wished for my father to come but what a foolish thing for me to think of because my father didn't even know what had happened.

When I woke up this morning, Martha had made me a soothing tea and a warm breakfast with scrambled eggs and two slices of bread before going to the morning market. She had also informed me that Sora was still in bed and would be up soon for his training with Sam later today.

As I ate my breakfast and sipped on my orange juice, I was surprised to see Michael emerging from the living room. I couldn't help but smiled at him as he approached me before kissing my forehead and stealing a piece of bread from my plate.

"I heard what happened from Sora," Michael said, perched on the countertop. "Do you want me to beat your step-father up?"

I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement. "I have to respect their wishes and besides, I like living here."

Michael sighed. "You don't deserve this, Luce."

I shrugged. "We all go through shit, you know?"

Michael laughed, nodding in agreement. "You'll always have me, Luce. No matter what, I promise."

I smiled gratefully at him. "Where have you been?" I haven't seen my friend in so long.

Michael sighed. "I've been splitting my time between here, Bianca's apartment and college."

I frowned. "So, are you and Bianca serious?"

Michael gave me a boyish grin, exposing the food in his mouth as I rolled my eyes at him. "So, are you and Sora serious?"

I poked my tongue out at him, earning a laugh from Michael who shook his head in amusement. "How about the four of us go to an amusement park this weekend? We'll book an airbnb and getaway for the weekend."

For once, that sounded nice. "We'll just have to make sure with Sora and Bianca."

"Make sure what?" I heard Sora voice popped in as my back slightly straightened, knowing that I haven't fully recovered from last night's confession. He was shirtless and was wearing a pair of grey sweat pants, exposing his abs as he kissed me on the cheek.

Michael crinkled his nose at us. "Plans for this week. What about an airbnb and the four of us head to an amusement park or a beach house?"

Sora nodded. "A vacation right after my big performance, why not?" He settled in the chair beside me as he sipped on my glass of the orange juice.

I casted him a glare and quickly retrieved my glass back before putting it on the side opposite from him.

"I have a class in half an hour," Michael announced, washing his hands before kissing me on the cheek and ruffling Sora's bed hair. "Take care of her for me, Lockhart."

"Always, bro," Sora called back in response before the front door slammed shut behind Michael.

Sora casted me a grin before leaning back on the chair. "What do you want to do today, sweetheart?"

I shrugged. "Don't you have training today?"

Sora nodded. "I can ditch training if you want to do something. We can go to the pools or to the dance studio."

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