three | one good deed

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I stared at him in the face and laughed. Usually, I wouldn't show such emotion in the house and, there was also nothing that gave me the reason to laugh.

But what Sora had said was ridiculous.

"No," I retorted with a snort before climbing up the stairs, knowing that I was going to be late for my dance practice if I didn't leave the house now.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Sora didn't follow me as I quickly changed into a black leotard, throwing on a navy blue cropped sweater and black, flow shorts. I grabbed my usual duffel bag before leaving my room, tying my hair up in a high bun.

As I descended the staircase, my eyes danced around for Kai who was nowhere to be seen. I bit my lip nervously as anxiety crept to my skin because I knew if I was late to class, my dance teacher would have my head served on a silver platter.

I walked to the family room where my mother, stepfather, Sora and his grandparents were chatting. Sora was the first to notice me as I ignored him and cleared my throat, gaining the attention of my mother. "Where's Kai? I need him to take me to dance."

My mother shrugged. "He took off early. Family business."

I sighed, running a hand over my face. This was going to be a pain. How was I going to get to class now?

"Sora will take you," the older woman offered with a kind smile as my eyes snapped to hers. "He has his license from back home and I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

I was so desperate that I didn't even reject her offer. My gaze averted from his grandmother to Sora who was now looking at me with a smirk playing on his lips. He nodded before getting up on his feet, bidding his goodbyes to my parents.

A few minutes later, I found myself walking beside Sora, my hands nervously clinging onto to my duffel bag straps. Sora had told me that his car was parked just a few houses down and the sun was already setting. I didn't like staying outdoors after the sun had set. It was something about the night that terrified me.

"So, will you owe me a thank you as well?" Sora questioned out loud on purpose and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. As we rounded a corner, Sora took out his keys and clicked a button. I flinched when a pair of car lights flashed from a red Mercedes. "Where is this studio of yours?"

I was already putting on my seatbelt as Sora watched me with curiosity. He pressed a button near the steering wheel and turned on the headlights. "I'll put it on google maps." And, I did with his fancy navigator.

It was a half an hour car ride and during the first few minutes, it was peacefully quiet. There was a bit of traffic since it was a Thursday night and Sora was driving painfully slow. I almost told him to actually step on the gas but I realised that it might piss him off more and he'd drive even slower on purpose.

"What sports do you do?" I questioned him, the question flying out of my mouth like it had wings of it's own. I cleared my throat. "You know, seeing as you got accepted into the school." The private school we attended to were an arts and sports academy for "rich" or talented kids.

Sora chuckled. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

I shrugged. "You don't have to tell me."

"I won't."

What was his problem? "I'm going to find out sooner or later, anyways."

"Okay, you can find out then."

He was beginning to get on my nerves and he knew it. I decided to keep my mouth shut for the entire ride as I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

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