sixteen | baby

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Sora's hair was damp, little droplets of water evident on his neck and clothes which consisted of a the school's navy blue jacket and track pants. His brown eyes flared at Michael who was finding this way too amusing to even care that a fighter was holding him against the wall.

"Who are you?" Sora questioned, completely ignoring my existence.

Michael smiled. "Michael, I'm Lucinda's friend."

Sora slightly tilted his head to the side. "She doesn't do friends."

Michael shot me a questioned look. "What's with you not having friends?"

I shrugged. "Not my cup of tea."

Michael turned his attention back on Sora who I knew was trying way too hard to not look at me right now. "I'm an exception. She owes me."

It took a bit for Sora to let him go but in the end, he did and Michael and Sora had actually hit it off really well, despite what had happened earlier. They were chit-chatting about life in Australia and the underground fight club while I was immersed in my own space where dancing was a priority. I was so immersed within my own space that nightfall came around and Sora and Michael were still chatting, shoving each other's phones in their faces as if they were showing each other pictures.

"This one of her really captures the moment," I heard Sora whisper to Michael.

Michael shook his head before showing Sora his phone. "She looks like she's about to fly."

I chugged down my bottle of water before walking over to my duffel bag and slipped on a sweater. "Who?"

Both Sora and Michael snapped their heads up at me before simultaneously saying, "no one."

I rolled my eyes at them before picking up my duffel bag then walked out of the studio, looking down at my phone to see that it was only seven. The academy was almost deserted seeing as the rest of the students went home or the others who decided to stay probably wanted to practice some more and overwork themselves.

"Luce, where are you going?" I heard Sora ask as he caught up to me, leaving Michael to walk behind us.

I glanced at him. "Home. Is it not that obvious?"

Sora clicked his tongue and shook his head in amusement. "Are you mad?"


"You're always on edge."


"Yes," Michael chirped, adding himself to the conversation as he appeared at my other side.

I glared at the both of them before coming to a halt to only find myself stand in between two vehicles. Sora's Mercedes and Michael's motorcycle. I bit my lip as Sora walked up to his own car and Michael, putting his helmet on.

"Where are you staying for the meantime?" I asked Michael as he took his keys out of his pocket.

Michael shrugged. "I'll figure it out."

I sighed. "You can stay at my place, if you want."

Michael chuckled. "No, I don't want to be bother you and Adam will only tell my father."

"Stay at mine," I heard Sora pop in, his chin resting on my shoulder. "My grandparents won't mind."

Michael have Sora a hesitant look before shaking his head. "I can't; I'd only be intruding and-"

Sora lifted his chin off my shoulder, allowing me space to breathe. "You sound like a girl. Come on dude, just take the offer."

Michael grinned boyishly. "Thanks, man."

"So, Luce, who are you riding with?" I heard Sora ask.

I bit my lip and scratched my head, looking at both vehicles before sighing. It was as if he was asking me who I liked more; Michael or Sora. My answer would've been none.

Michael chuckled again before giving me a wink. "Go with Sora; he obviously misses you. I'll follow your car."

Before I could say anything, Sora grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the passenger's side then gently forced me inside. I watched Michael hop on his bike then revved his engine while Sora hopped into the driver's seat and started his engine too.

"I think I know why you're mad," Sora said as he drove, eyes on the road and one hand on the wheel while the other rested on his shifting gear.

I casted him a bored look. "Why?"

Sora smirked. "You missed me."

I chuckled. "You're delusional."

Sora gave me the side-eye. "You didn't deny it."


It has been about five hours since Sora stopped me off and bid me goodnight as well as Michael who gave me a salute before they both went off into the night. My mother and Adam were not at home when I arrived and I wasn't surprised because they were either partying or staying at their second home, free of me.

I was barely at the house nowadays so they didn't really have a reason to stay at their second home.

Kai had left the house already seeing as the house was terribly empty with the silence so deafening, I could've heard a dust touch the ground. I walked into the kitchen, hoping to find some kind of fruit to munch on as a snack until I saw a neon pink sticky note posted on the fridge.


I picked it up and slowly read it.

Lucinda, guess what? I'm pregnant! Adam and I have gone to celebrate. See you in a few days!

I blinked at it once, unfazed.

What the fuck?

I stared at the sticky note for a good half minute before scrunching it up and throwing it in the trash can, frustrated and annoyed at the fact that my mother didn't even consider telling me through a surprise or telling me in person.

This baby was going to be the golden apple of this family that I didn't even want to be a part of.

It was still sad that the thought of another child coming into my mother's life -well, this family in general- was going to be the glue to hold them together and it was going to be the apple of her eye. It shouldn't surprise me seeing as I wasn't the apple of my mother's eyes in the first place but at one point, every girl needed their mother, no matter how distant and broken one's relationship was.

"I'm used to it" is a phrase I've used so much growing up that now it has become a part of me and a part of my vocabulary. It was the sentence that indicated that I was no longer affected by the things my mother did, acted or treated me. To put it in better words, I was numb to the pain.

At one point, it had only been her and I before her stupid idea of searching for a rich significant other consumed her, her hungry need for money and affection that had shoved me aside.

I had missed those times terribly, even more now that she was pregnant with another child.

a/n: feel free to follow my instagram for updates and weird stuff!! x

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