Chapter 3

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Author's POV

Despite the tragic things happen to Y/n, he still continue to go to School even though the death of his parents did not stop him because he knew his parents wanted him to finish school.

As Y/n make his way to his classroom, his classmates saw him in a very depressed face. Everyone wanted to know what happen to him but they didn't have the courage to ask..... Well except for one, I don't know if this guy is dumb or he let his mouth do the thinking instead of his brain.

Issei: "Hey Y/n, are you alright? you look like you've been rejected by a girl."

Y/n didn't answer, he just stare at his desk.

Issei: "Hey, can you even hear me?"

Y/n then grab Issei's wrist and punch him. He then stare at Issei's eyes and saw a shock and scared eyes from him. He then let him go and sit at his desk again.

Girl1: "Why didn't you punch him?"

Girl2: "Yeah, he totally deserve it."

All the Girls nodded on agreement.

Y/n: "Because his not worth the time and the punch."

Issei's POV

After Y/n let go of my wrist, I can finally breath because his eyes was nothing like I've seen before. It's like I can see my own funeral and the power I felt on him sent a chill on my spine.

Asia: "Issei-san, are you Okay?"

Issei: "Yeah, I'm Okay. Let's not just disturbed him, let's just give him time to recover."

Asia: "Sure, Issei-san."

After I talked to Asia, the Homeroom Teacher came in and start the class.

Time Skip


After class was finished, I was packing my stuff then I heard all the girls scream like they saw a celebrity. Then I saw a Blond boy walking towards me.

???: "Are you Y/n L/n?"

Y/n: "Yeah, who are you?"

Kiba: "I'm Kiba Yuuto, from the Occult Research Club. I'm here on my President's order to pick you up."

Y/n: "Alright, lead on."

I followed him out of the new building and walking towards a very old building that was about to collapse.

Y/n: "Are you sure this place is safe? Because I think it's about to go down."

Kiba: "That's just the outside design, the inside is pretty neat once see it."

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