Chapter 16

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Author's POV

It's been 5 days since all the ORC move-in at Y/n's house. And for the past few days, he's been training them with everything he can. He even asked Kratos to make them some items to help them with their ability.

Y/n: "Hey Rias, can you call everyone to come in the living room?"

Rias: "Sure, my sweet N/n~"

She went outside to call everyone. She then came back with the others following her.

Y/n: "How was your training with Akeno, Asia?"

Asia: "Wonderful, I can now heal faster now."

Y/n: "That's great! Thanks Akeno, I owe you one."

Akeno blush a little at Y/n's compliment.

Akeno(Thinking): "I think I can finally use 'that' room.~"

Y/n: "Here Asia, wear this. This will create a barrier around you that will protect you from any Magic or physical attacks."

Y/n gave Asia a finger sized Golden Fleece. When she wore it, a golden barrier surrounded her.

Asia: "Thank you so much Y/n-san! I feel very powerful now."

Y/n: "It also increase your magic by 50x, so now you can heal everyone without getting exhausted."

Everyone got shock when Y/n said that it increases Asia's magic.

Y/n: "Alright Kiba, your next.

Y/n gave Kiba a box and everyone is clueless on what's inside. Kiba open it and saw a pair of shoes and show it to everyone.

 Kiba open it and saw a pair of shoes and show it to everyone

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Kiba: "Thanks for the new shoes Y/n."

Y/n: "Oh, those aren't ordinary shoes."

Everyone got confuse on what he said, then suddenly 2 small metal wings spread on the shoes shocking everyone.

Y/n: "I asked my father to enhance those shoes with the speed of Hermes. Now, your knight speed is increased by 50x too."

Rias: "Why don't you try out Kiba?"

Kiba put the shoes on and he felt very lighter than before. After a moments he just disappeared a few seconds he reappeared holding a tea cup.

Rias: "Isn't that the tea cup from the clubhouse?"

Kiba: "Yes it is President."

Asia: "Wow, your so fast it's like you just teleport to get there."

Kiba: "I don't know what to say but, Thank you very much Y/n"

Y/n: "Don't worry about it. Now it's your turn kitty."

He gave Koneko a black leather gloves with a silver skull on it.

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