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• Back at the Boar Hat •

The Sins of Sloth, Wrath, Lust, and Envy, along with the, now wanted, third Princess of Liones and a talking pig, stood inside (or outside, in Diane's case) of the Boar Hat, waiting anxiously for the return of their comrades, the Raven and Fox Sins. It had gotten to the point where the most of them were restless, only being able to occupy themselves with mindless activities like picking at grass or pacing (possibly floating) back and forth to dispel nervous energy. Every minute or so, one of the people inside would check the window, hoping to see two figures in the distance, and Diane just stared, not wanting to miss the return of, who she considered to be, her best friend in the Sins. It was extremely nerve racking, for Ban had been gone for nearly two hours, and you, a little more than seven. It was around midnight now, the moon high in the sky, letting everything it shone on have an ethereal glow, which was quite the pretty sight. Or, at least it would be if the group wasn't as gut-wrenchingly nervous as they were.

"I can't take this anymore!" King finally shouted. He had been the most concerned by far, as he was one of the people who was particularly close to you. He slammed his open palms on the counter, causing the center of attention to shift away from the large window and toward him, if only for a few moments. "Ban's been gone for two hours and (y/n)'s been for gone more than three times that! We have to go out and look for them!"

"This has been his seventh outburst this hour," Gowther commented, looking stoically over to his comrade. He didn't understand all the fuss. Surely both (y/n) and Ban would return, if not momentarily, then relatively soon.

"King, it's like I told you ten minutes ago," Meliodas sighed, crossing his arms. It seemed as though the intervals between King's demands to go look for you (and Ban, but not as often or as passionately) had grown increasingly smaller, shifting from an hour to five or ten minutes. "This is for the better, we need to let-"

"(Y/N) and Ban reconnect because it will be better for the team," King finished, already having heard his captain's lecture numerous times. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Even I'm annoyed at how long it's taking them to get together! But still, we can't act this recklessly! We need to get them back so we can see if Merlin is here and then do whatever it is we need to do next! It'll be quicker if all of us go," King was almost pleading at this point, now entirely desperate to help on the hunt to find you. "You can't tell me you aren't worried about her! That you don't want to help!"

"Of course we do, Sir King," Elizabeth sighed, offering a knowing glance in the direction of the Dragon Sin, letting him know she could handle this outburst. They had been trading off every few times, insisting that they wait in their own way. Of course, Gowther's insistence to help every few turns grew rather obnoxious. "But Sir Ban has probably already found her and on his way here. We just need to be patient and await their return."

"That's what you've been saying for the past two hours!" Shrieked King, "And before that, all you said was that (y/n) was probably already on her way back! I'm not stupid!"

"That's because it was the truth," Gowther butted in, earning an annoyed glance form Meliodas and Hawk, who had grown all to familiar with the routine. Elizabeth was the more... patient of the three. "This is one of the most unlikely scenarios expected to occur."

"I wasn't implying that you were!" Elizabeth ensured hurriedly, ignoring Gowther's comment entirely and deciding to respond singularly to King, "I just mean to say that we are all getting restless, not just you."

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