Chapter 12: Not Ready Part 2!

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    Emily woke up and saw Aaron wasn't there. She quickly changed and walked down the stairs. She saw Aaron making breakfast in the kitchen. "Where are the boys?" Emily asked. "Just left for school." Aaron replied. She looked at the clock to see what time it is and she nodded. "I didn't realise it was that late." Emily commented and he laughed. "JJ texted, there's a case so we'll have to eat fast." Aaron told her. "I'm okay with that." Emily agreed as she sat across from Aaron at the table. "You know, if you want you can sit this one out." Aaron suggested and Emily shook her head as she swallowed her cereal. "Not happening, this pregnancy will not change who I am." Emily told him and he nodded. "Okay." Aaron agreed. "Good." Emily commented with a smirk and Aaron laughed. He watched as she went back to eating her breakfast. "Are you okay?" Aaron asked. Emily looked up and locked eyes with him. "Of course." Emily replied. "It's just that, I know you weren't ready to have a child yet." Aaron told her and she sighed. "I'll be fine, Aaron. I always am." Emily told him and he nodded. "That's what I'm afraid of." Aaron told her and she looked at the clock again. "We need to go." Emily commented as she got up. She grabbed her coat and walked out the door. Aaron sighed and followed her.
       JJ walked into the hospital before going to work. She walked into her moms room and saw she was up and eating jello. "You seem to be feeling a lot better." JJ commented and Sandy laughed. "I am." Sandy agreed. "No pains? Your wounds are healing fine?" JJ asked. "Yes, JJ. Perfectly fine." Sandy replied and JJ smiled. "Good." JJ commented. "Do you want to stay for a bit?" Sandy asked and she sughed. "I wish, but I just wanted to check on you before I go into work." JJ replied qnd Sandy nodded. "Be safe." Sandy commented and JJ laughed. "I'll try." JJ agreed and she walked out.
       Aaron was driving them to the BAU. Aaron looked over at her a few times and she sighed as she finally looked back. "I'm fine, Aaron." Emily told him and he nodded. "I know, you're always fine." Aaron commented. "What are you talking about now?" Emily asked. "When you say you're fine, you never are." Aaron replied. "I know." Emily agreed. "You need to talk to me." Aaron told me and I nodded. "I know.... I'm scared, Aaron. To be a mom." Emily him. He parked the car outside the BAU and put his hand on top of her's. "You can do it, and I'll be with you the entire way." Aaron told her and she smiled. "I love you." Emily told him and he smiled as well. "I love you too." Aaron agreed. Then they leaned in and kissed, soft and gently.
     JJ walked into the round table room and saw the whole team there. "Sorry I'm late." JJ apologized as she sat down. "No worries, now let's get started." Aaron commented as he nodded toward Penelope. She nodded back and started to talk about the case. "Maxwell Stevens. He was abducted five hours ago, witnesses say from his own house." Penelope told them. "We have to hurry, these cases we only have twenty four hours." David commented and Aaron nodded. "Yeah, wheels up in ten." Aaron agreed as they all got up. Emily stopped Aaron and waited for everyone to leave. "What is it, Em?" Aaron asked. "I don't think we should tell the team about the pregnancy, not yet at least." Emily replied. "Okay, if you don't want to then we'll wait." Aaron told her and she gave him a small smile. "I just want to make sure everything is okay first." Emily told him and he nodded. "I understand." Aaron agreed. He kissed her cheek and walked out of the round table room. She smiled before following him out to get ready.
    The team was on the jet, looking over the files. "Who were the witnesses?" Derek asked. "Several neighbors." JJ replied. "And none of them could have stopped it?" Derek asked. "It's a really bad neighborhood, I don't think anyone around them really cares." David replied. "Then why is a 10 year old boy living there?" Derek asked. "Some family's have no choice because of money issues." Spencer replied. "And he was taken from his own house?" Emily asked. "That's what it says." Aaron replied. Penelope was on the laptop screen. "She's a single a mom with a job." Penelope told them. "Was Maxwell by himself?" Spencer asked. "No, his 16 year old sister was. It was just reported that she's missing and is now the number one suspect." Penelope replied. "Our first thing we do when we get there is find the sister." Aaron told them. "Her name is Linda Stevens." Penelope added. "JJ, Morgan, and I will go to the police station while Emily, Rossi, and Reid go to the house." Aaeon told them and they all nodded in agreement.
      Emily was about to get up when Aaron stopped her. "Tell me what you need and I'll get it for you." Asron told her and and sighed. "I can do it, Aaron." Emily told him. "I want to help." Aaron told her and she smiled. "Coffee." Emily told him and he nodded. "I'm at your service." Aaron told her and she laughed as he got up. JJ got up and sat across from her. "Hey." JJ greeted. "Hey." Emily greeted. "Hotch getting you coffee?" JJ asked. "Yep." Emily replied. "That's sweet." JJ commented and Emily nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, it is." Emily agreed. "Yeah." JJ commented as she starred at her friend. "What?" Emily asked as she laughed and JJ shook her head. "Nothing, you're just glowing." JJ replied. "No, I'm not." Emily told her as she frowned and JJ laughed. "It's a compliment, Em. Take it." JJ told her and Emily nodded nervously. "Okay." Emily agreed. JJ got up and back to her seat as Aaron sat down. He handed her the coffee and she took a drink. "Thanks." Emily commented. "You're welcome." Aaron commented.

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