48. Safe House

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I couldn't stop feeling worried as we drove through the town, but at the same time, I was curious to see Jaden's territory. Once we were out of the town, travelling on a road that led to the next city, Rayleigh suddenly slowed down and turned left on a road that looked like it didn't lead anywhere. We stopped for a moment, in front of a sturdy iron gate, while two men appeared from the forest to open it for us.

Then we continued our way into the forest. Rayleigh was driving slowly on the narrow, snowy road. I kept looking around even though I saw nothing but trees at first. We passed by a small, wooden house, but after that, there was nothing much to see in a long while. The atmosphere in the car was silent and restless. No one said a word.

And then I saw a house on our right, hiding behind the trees. I nearly missed it, but there was someone walking in front of it, waving at us when we passed by. Soon later I saw another house, a wooden hut, just like the previous one. And another one, and another...

How was it possible that no one knew about this little town? It was a town, but not like human towns. The tiny road turned here and there, suddenly dividing into two or three, just to come back together a few houses later. Sometimes the trees were so close that the car barely managed to get through them, and sometimes it seemed like there was no road at all, and we were just driving in people's yards.

The houses were all the same: wooden cabins without paint, built under tallest trees in no particular order. Then we passed by something that looked a lot like the center of the town. It must have been the shopping street Jaden mentioned. At the end of the street, I saw a bigger building, and a lot of people gathering around it. Soon I couldn't see it anymore as the car didn't stop.

A moment later, we were mostly surrounded by trees again, and there were less and less buildings. Then they stopped completely, and the road became harder to travel.

"Hold on, I'll try to take us as close as we can," Rayleigh said. "We need to walk a bit."

"Where are we going?" I asked Jaden in a whisper.

"The safe house is a bit further away," he said. "It's somewhere no one will be bothered."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When a werewolf is turned, they'll have a rough first year," Jaden said. "During the full moon, they can't control the shapeshift and they become violent. And loud. So, they'll stay locked up in that house until they can get a grip."

"This time it's the other way around. Now we need to keep them out," Rayleigh said. "We don't have anyone who needs it right now, so it's the perfect place for you. I'll inform my pack that you're staying with us, and this part of the territory is forbidden from the turned werewolves while you're here."

"I'm sorry you have to do all that just because of me," I said apologetically.

"We are the guardians of the Blue Moon," Rayleigh muttered. "Spirit Walkers gave us this land. It would be awfully rude of us not to take care of one of their own," he added, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

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