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I went to Yeonjun's place before the class would begin.

"Choi Yeonjun!! Yah!!" I screamed on top of my lungs and threw a shirt on his face.

For fuck's sake, he's still sleeping! There's only thirty minutes left!

"Why are you screaming?" He sounded half asleep. He looked at his phone and his eyes widened as he saw the time.

He immediately stood up and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I can't believe Yeonjun! He's really a sleepyhead. I will no longer wait for him. I don't want to have a record in tardiness.

As I walked towards our classroom, someone shouted 'wait' from behind. And so, I stopped and looked who was it.

It was the guy beside me. What was his name again? Well, why do I even bother asking it? I don't care about him.

"Good morning!" He greeted as he walked towards me.

I ignored him and walked ahead of him. He really dares to talk to me, huh? Haven't he heard about me from our classmates? They know already that I'm not fond of talking and I'm not interested in making friends--especially with a guy like him.

I don't trust cute boys.

As I sat on my seat, I plugged in my earphones but I didn't play a song. I quietly observed this guy. Many of our classmates were talking to him--mostly girls.

"My name is Choi Beomgyu." He smiled to each of them.

"Are you a transferee? I feel like I haven't seen a cute guy like you here before!" A girl with a curly hair said. The other girls screamed and the boys shook their head.

"Yes, I just transferred this year." He replied.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Another girl asked.

He didn't answer and just smiled.

"Silence means yes." A guy said.

"Hey, don't ruin the mood!" The girl with a curly hair said and the other girls gave their side comments.

I suddenly stood up. All of them kept quiet and looked at me. Argh, what am I doing?

"Tch, you're all too noisy!" I annoyingly said.

To be honest, I was embarrassed because I feel like the class president should be saying that and not me. Usually, I don't care about them. I just listen to music with full volume.

"She's really a kill joy." Someone whispered.

I was about to make an argument with her but our teacher already arrived.

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