Pt. 38

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Y/n POV:
We pull up at Karen and Manuel's house where Aaliyah is. We jump out of the car put full on run to the door. Out of breath, we bust in the door without even knocking. "Y/n?! Are you okay? What's wrong sweetie?" Karen says as she rushes from the kitchen in to cradle my face and hug me. She acknowledges Ross, but doesn't say anything. "Something happened. You know about well....what's been happening, with me. I know Shawn told you about it so if anything happened..." she gives a confused look. "With the...with the stalking?"

I say blatantly. Her goes blank for split second as she calls Manuel in the room. "Well...first of all, this is Ross. He's a great guy friend of mine who's been helping with the whole situation as well as Shawn. There's a lot we need to catch you up on" we start from the whole plan we had for people to stay with me, to the picture, to going to Shawn's, to this morning, "I don't know if he actually went somewhere...or if he was framed. Honestly it could go either way.

He's been different since Ross has been hanging around.-" Karen presses her lips together as if he's told her everything. About him being jealous at least. "I've reassured him nothing happened, but somebody, - I motion to Ross- "didn't explain the whole picture situation." I show the location that we tracked. It's a warehouse. In the legit middle of no where. Before another word is said, Manuel is on the phone calling somebody to have backup. He's sick of this. Well. He thinks it's sick.

The whole situation. The stalking, Shawn being jealous, and his son now going missing. It's honestly really sad.  Aaliyah chimes in saying she was ease dropping the whole time. In less than 15 minutes, we're all in two separate cars tracking the location of Shawns Apple Watch....or supposed location.

Eli POV:
I brought Shawn into the warehouse as he woke up. I'm not gonna torture him. Unless he does something I say not too. And y/n I'm not going to torture either. Unless she doesn't love be back yet, or unless she does something I tell her not too....but I bring Shawn into a room in the warehouse. It's got a bed. A couch. And a tv, That only plays dvds. A rug, and one wooden chair. No windows. No clock. No communication to outside world. I'll let him go when he understands how wrong he was in taking Y/n from me. I shove him in there. I feel so lifeless recently. I'm in such pain and I don't know why. I shut the door after giving him the directions. This is actually where I've been living recently. Basically I'm keeping him captive and taking care of him. I walk back to the other side and turn in the security camera so I can check up on him. He's in the corner of the room. He's crying. I turn on the mic so I can hear what he's saying. He's- what? He's praying. I turn it off and grasp my hair and let out a huff. What am I doing? Why am I doing this? What happened to me? All in the blink of eye after I met this girl I just...because obsessed with her. I need her. I don't know what I would do without her. Her presence, it's heavenly. I don't know why anyone would not want to be around her. I can understand why Shawn took her from me. But it was an idiot move. She's mine, and she always will be soon. Just a few more months...I have to wait. Gosh I'm so sick of waiting. So sick of it. I waited for YEARS to find love. To find someone who wants just a one time think. Then when I find her I have to make her mine by going practically insane? I've given up on myself completely. Everything I do is for her. I'm so intoxicated with her, that I need her. I don't what happened, but I'm obsessed with her.

A/n: oh. my. gosh. So I have no idea how many chapters are left in this book, but it not many and honestly I'm so sad to see this come to an end! Like it feels like I just started writing it yesterday. Anyways, leave your feedback and ideas for the sequel soon, and what you think the title should be!

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