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Cal looked at me with pity in his eyes. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving home, not after the history I've made here. 20 years old still feels too young to leave the nest.

"The offers there, you can either take it or stay here." Cal said pushing for an answer, one he asked for weeks ago. "I know cal, but I just don't feel ready. After everything that's happened it's just another big change to cope with."

"Look, I know what happened with Alex was rough, but you've got to move on. I need an answer to take back to Harry and Callum, it's just becoming a joke now. Please for the sake of your own future come with me." His words hit deep. For my own future, I thought Alex was my future but things don't go the way you plan. I can't plan for Alex to come back so I need to move on. "Okay, I'll come live with you. But only for a few months. I need my own place." I said finally giving in. "It's a good stepping stone." He smiled gesturing me to hug him. I wrapped my arms around my older brother, a four year age gap between us. "I'm glad you've seen sense Eva, I just want the best for you, you know that."

"I know. Ah, shoot I'm going to get emotional." I said feeling overwhelmed. This is the next step for me. I looked around the kitchen we hovered in and almost saw the small cal and Eva running around after each other. "Why don't you go pack before you crying on my new hoodie." He joked, I could tell he was empathising with me. I could almost see the reflection of my pain in his eyes. Ever since Alex left me, my atmosphere is almost toxic, it's hard to breathe clear air, the sense of something missing is always around, I figure it'll never leave. "What about mum." I say, my hand lingering on the counter as I almost exit the room.

"You know she wants this for you. You can't follow her around for the rest of your twenties. Nothing is going to make her happier than seeing you living your life. Now go pack, your rooms been waiting for weeks so we might as well go tonight."

I zipped up my final case, two full of clothes and shoes, and one small box of personal items. I looked around my half bare room, I walk over to my photo wall and choose a selection before chucking them onto the small box. "Alex?" Cal says picking up the photo of us.

"Somethings I'm not ready to let go of. Just give me time." I said, watching him place the picture back down on the pile. I just need the one photo. I can't bare the thought of forgetting this memory, even if it hurts me.

Cal put the box on the back seats of his car and places a seatbelt around it to ensure it doesn't spill over in his car. I said goodbye to mum, crying in her arms, but she'd never look prouder. "You're the strongest person I know. Don't let cal boss you around. He may be older but you're much wiser than your years." She said, following a kiss on the forehead. I whispered I love you and walked over to the car. I climbed in the front seat and felt the vibrations of the car engine. I shut my eyes for a moment and when I opened them, our childhood home was out of sight. Our new start in the distance.

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