Thirty Four

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I stood on stage, my black robe opened around my bump, my skin tight light pink floral maternity dress shinning through, cutting off below the knees. I never thought I'd find something to fit for this special day, I was even more surprised to find a collection of stunning clothes designed for that special maternity purpose. My cap sat perfectly on my head, the tassel blowing in the light breeze of June.

I shook the hand of my professor and accepted my rolled up certificate, decorated with a green bow. I looked out into the crown of organised rows, seeing my closest family and friends waiting for me. Harry and Cal clapping obnoxiously loud as I walked off stage and returned to my seat. The two being best friends only made them the worst influence on each other.

We posed for photos by a scenic background, waiting to post them to social media or frame them. My mum happy cried as she held me and Cal on each side of her, while emotional we did all look like a fitting family. Me and Cal stood together, his hand over my shoulder, a beautiful moment captured of us laughing.

While I loved the photos I had taken with everyone, I couldn't deny my love for the photo with Harry. He stood looking very dapper, a white shirt tucked into slim black trousers, all complimented with a black tie. I turned slightly to the side, his hand on my stomach as smiled. We looked so formal.

As we travelled back to the halo tower Cal asked permission to post the photo of us. He clearly felt like the proud big brother, it made me smile how he wanted to show me off I agreed and waited for the post to go live. He left out my Instagram tag to avoid my phone buzzing off out of control.

'Couldn't be more proud of my sister for graduating with a first, on top of making me an uncle!'

The caption read, making me relax knowing nothing ultimately personal was revealed. I began to read the comments, an overwhelming amount of congratulations and awing got the new arrival.

We headed back to my home with Harry, a collective of us gathering around the dinning table, I watched as my mum nattered on to Harry about all sorts. I showed Cal to our nursery which now sat complete. The cot sat 90 degrees to the window which was draped in black out curtains to avoid the city lights. A gentle padded rocking chair placed next to the cot, A changing station sat against the opposite wall. A couple weaved basket filled with cuddly toys dotted around the room. On the dressing table we had a stash of bottles of and dummy's ready for the days to come.

I watched as Cal fiddled with a few of the items in the room before opening his mouth. "Wow, okay well I can admit at first when you told me I really thought it would go sideways. But you two have done it." He laughed looking at the perfectly designed room. "I know it's really coming together, now the only thing to do is wait for this one to turn up." I said placing my hand in my perfectly round stomach. "Honestly I think it still looks like a food baby."

"You and Harry are too alike it's scary. He says the exact same thing. Give it two months and Harry will be trying to name her burrito or something." I laughed. "Nah classic nandos."

"I'd kill him. It's something he'd do. Register her name as that." I mumbled. "Are you two planning anything for your one year?" Cal asked knowing it was only a few weeks away.

"I don't think so. This." I said pointing to my stomach, "kind of stops us doing anything apart from staying at home for a quite night in." I mumbled. "But don't get me wrong I wouldn't want more." Said feeling grateful for the boy who sat in the next room.

"Right well I was hoping you'd help me out with something." Cal smiled. "Oh god what?" I asked laughing. "I've got a video planned. I've seen some youtubers do it and now I've got a good reason to. It's a birth simulator thing. Like it jabs electric shocks into your abdomen showing you what it's like, and I was hoping you'd control the device."

"Yeah alright!" I said too excitedly. "It'll be funny, may have to hook Harry up to it." Cal added. "He hates electric shocks, you know he won't."

Around an hour later I had Cal laying in my bed, as I barely sat cross legged on the other side. Any photos of me and Harry in shot we're taking down, leaving there no room for slip ups. I let Harry apply the tabs to cals lower abdomen and upper thighs. We started filming with just me and Cal Infront of the camera, my mum and Harry standing behind.

The first few rounds of contractions didn't seem to phase him much to my annoyance. It was only when the shock levels really doubled did he start tensing. Letting out moans that would genuinely convince you he was about to give birth.

"Okay, according to the website this one is meant to be the actual birth part." I mumbled. "Then what the fuck was that last half." He said visibly sweating. I laughed and saw my mum smile, finally someone knowing the pain.

"That's the build up. This is the part where you push, but don't literally because theses have just been washed." I said wiping my bed sheets.

"Okay I'm ready." Cal said taking a few deep breaths. I let him know that I was turning up the power as he began to scream, the power on max for around 10 seconds before he tapped out. "You pussy." Harry called from behind the camera. Cal shot to his defensive. "Alright if it's that easy get over there." I laughed at cals horse voice. Harry was reluctant at first but eventually gave in and laid on the bed much to my surprise. Cal took over controls and slapped the pads on Harry's lower abdomen, a little too close for comfort. I stood behind the camera with my mum letting out little giggles.

Harry flinched repeatedly before the controls had even been switched on. When they did he immediately ripped them off and gave up. "Nope, fuck that. Actually no. It's horrible." He voiced. "I barely even turned it half way." Cal called out to the camera.

"Well it was bloody strong enough." Harry said rubbing his abdomen.

"I think I've just learned a bit more respect for what women go through. Thank you mum." Cal started. "It's alright darling. You just got to think of what you'll get after it's over, and I got you two out of it."

"I don't know why, it's really not worth that." Harry said throwing the device onto the floor.

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