Thirty Nine

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At Poppy's 3 month milestone me and Harry embraced each other in the cold November temperatures, everyone was wrapped up in their cosiest jumpers. We watched proudly as poppy would successfully roll over onto her front, for the first time. I clapped my hands as Harry went a bit more wild, jumping up and down videoing the multiple failed attempts until now, finally capturing her first. The sudden noise and vibration of the floor must've startled her as she began to let out a tearful cry. Her cries had started to become less frequent as she began to recognise our faces, comforted by the expressions. Her sleep had improved massively, even managing to sleep through some nights. Others waking up once or rarely twice, me and Harry had finally managed to catch up on some much missed sleep. The days became more joyful as her laugh developed and lit up the room, wrapping you in a contagious laughter. She was truly the daughter of a YouTuber, embracing the camera and creating memories to last a lifetime. It's crazy to think this time last year she was conceived, we were completely unaware of the happiness we were about to bring into the world.

I was using Harry's computer to do an online shopping as my laptop was currently being used to watch children shows in bed by the two loves of my life. I see a text comes through on Harry's phone, hooked up to the computer syncing all contacts. An Emily name, I had a feeling of deja vu but couldn't seem to place the name. The starting of the message popping up at the top right hand corner.

'Glad to hear from you again, we should...' it continued on as far as the preview would go. I racked my brain for an Emily that I may haven't before, none to sound familiar until I remembered a few months ago, seeing a text from the same Emily on Harry's computer. I reread the preview and wondered what they spoke about. I resisted opening his messages, convincing myself that it was nothing and that I had complete and utter faith in him. That was until another text came through, signalling that Harry must've replied.

'Maybe we should met again to...'

My heart began to race. Harry had always told me where he was going, but I'd never heard of this Emily. Why hadn't he told me. I opened the messages, feeling guilty as I did so.

'Hey, I was hoping we could still go ahead as planned.' Harry's first text started, only dated a couple days ago.

'Glad to hear from you again, we should talk about the plan for things, for a while I was worried you were backing out!' Emily's read.

'Haha no definitely not! Everything is going as planned.'

'Maybe we should meet again to show you what it looks like.' Her most recent text read. I couldn't figure out what the exchange was. My heart was racing as fast as my mind, trying to piece together what was happening. My thoughts were interrupted by an updated text from Harry.

'Yes, I want to see it in person, no offence but I've got enough pictures saved, its about time I got to meet the masterpiece.' Pictures? What pictures my mind jumped to the worst possible thought, was Harry sexting with another girl? They've already met before, maybe it's worse than that. Surely he wouldn't do that to me, to us.

'Oh hun, the pictures don't do my hard work any justice, your jaw will hit the floor when you get here.' She replied, the entire time I'm sitting here watching the exchange. Each text convincing me even more that Harry was cheating.

'Maybe I can come to meet you next weekend?'

'I'll be here, you know my hours.'

'Alright I'll tell Eva I'm going to meet my parents, it'll give me an excuse to come to Guernsey without raising any suspicions.'

'Perfect, I do love a good secret.'

I closed the application, shocked at what I had just read. I felt the hot rage burning through me, was Harry really cheating. Of course he was the evidence was right in front of me. I just don't understand why, I'd just had a baby, sure I'm not the most of sexually active people because I think I'm excused. Nothing deserves this. I felt like confronting him until I realised our 3 month old daughter was the most vulnerable here. I calmed myself down by continuing the shopping online, ordering what we needed and closing down his computer. Sitting back on the chair and crying, almost uncontrollably.

I headed to the bathroom sitting in the toilet, trying to hold my cries, washing my face to clear the red blotches.

"Eva?" Harry called through the bathroom door. "Yeah?" I croaked.

"Are you okay to look after poppy on your own for the weekend?" He asked. My mind instantly racing to him leaving to cheat on me. "Why?" I asked tensely.

"I'm going back to guernsey for the weekend to see my family, I thought you'd enjoy the time alone with poppy, maybe take her to your mums, I could drop you off there before my flight if you wanted." He mumbled. He was too good at lying.

"Okay, we'll stay here." I said giving him the permission he wanted. "Okay thank you, I won't be more than a few days.' He said walking away from the door. I held my hand to my mouth, feeling the hot tears streaming down my freshly washed face. I sunk to the floor trying to mute the moans my heart was forcing me to produce as it broke in two.

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