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A few days of totally isolation brought back memories of little under a month ago. Sitting in almost complete silence. It felt familiar but at the same time completely strange. It's bizarre how quickly you can adapt to new environments. Harry let me know they got to the villa safely, and since then he's given me the bare minimum. It felt nice to have him away for some time. Seeing someone in the early days while you're living with them is a strange situation, I think the space is exactly what I need to think things through. It reached 4pm on the Thursday to which the girls should be getting the train to London. I did the last bit of cleaning and shutting of bedroom doors to jazz up the place.

I heard a faint knock at the door and took a deep breath as I walked down the hall. I opened up the door and endured the awkward greetings. It was only after an hour did things seem to sink into their old patterns. No one seemed to mention Alex, afraid to breech the topic without my say. They all looked fairly similar while simultaneously different. Cleo hair was now in a bob, her style of clothing unrecognisable to the old girl next door look, while Harriet rocked her natural hair in dreadlocks instead of braids, her tanned skin glowing under her light clothes. Isadora however now wearing makeup, something that she never used to do. Her blonde hair in tight curls.

"I can't believe you live with 3 guys." Isadora laughed, taking a sip on her bottled beer. I'd known Izzy the longest, roughly 9 years of friendship behind us. Since the first day of year 7, both of us connected while in the sick room. Seems neither of us could stomach the idea of staying at our school for the next 5 years. "I mean, one of them is my brother, doesn't really count." I laughed.

"I would." Cleo smirked while clinking her drink with Harriet. I'd known both of them for roughly 2 years, I met them both at our shared uni accommodation, we moved on to get a house together before I dropped out at the start of third year. Izzy joined me for my freshers, bringing us all together and making us inseparable. "Honestly didn't need to know that." I cringed. "My brothers off limits."

"So the other two, are they cute?" Isadora pried. "Erm." I thought about how to answer, "in their own ways, yes." I mumbled taking a sip of my drink.

"No they're not then." Harriet laughed. "Hmm the one on you were cosy with on Cals story was cute." Isadora carried on.

"Who?" I asked confusion all over my face. "Dirty blonde hair, kind of tall, kind of not. You were on his back, looked like you were clubbing."

"Oh Harry, yeah he lives here. No that was a house party." I said trying not to comment too much.

"Looked fun, next time it happens invite us back down." Cleo mumbled. "Oh I will, need more friendly faces."

We carried on drinking for a while before deciding to order in some food and chill in front of the tv for the night.

My phone buzzed, Harry had messaged me for the first time that day. He was an hour ahead of us so this was at roughly 11pm where he was.

'Hows it going with your friends?'

'Really well, I wasn't expecting us to click like we used to.' I sent back.

'Good, I bought you something.'

'Oh dear what have you done, what is it?' I said slightly intrigued.

'It's a whopper of a gift. You'll have to wait.' I left the conversation there as I didn't want to draw attention to the fact I was on my phone.

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