Twenty Four

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The day after we welcomed Harry back to his after he was given the all clear for his health. He egged on his accident as much as he could making people run errands for him, saying he was too weak to do them, when we all know he'd laugh when we finally agreed. It's hard to say no to someone like him.

All I wanted to do was lay in bed with him all day, and that we did. I was warming to his touch, making me feel content.

As time went on our relationship blossomed. Harry's arm healed, and a small scar was left reaching into his hairline. We exchanged our first mutual "I love you's.". In the late of September I started my third year in a local university in London, finishing my study's to graduate. I flew with him to guernsey to meet his parents and siblings, who all took an extreme liking to me. It's no surprise to see Harry turned out like he did after meeting his parents, everyone was so laid back and active, there wasn't a moment of silence in the house. We spent two nights in his childhood bedroom before we flew back to London. Our latest venture was spending Christmas at my mums house with Cal. As things got more serious the temptation to come out to the public grew. But for the safety of our comfort zones we decided to wait a little longer, after all it had only been 5 months since we first became official, we were still riding in the honeymoon phase, and with Harry it felt like it would last forever.

With our 6 month anniversary lurking round the corner I decided to treat us to a romantic trip away. It felt like recently all we'd been doing was moving about. But as we entered the new year it felt right to go somewhere. I used the last of my savings to splash out on a solid two weeks in Australia before I returned to uni at the start of February. I knew after I would be living off my student loan. It was lucky Harry was in the job he was as I didn't have to worry about him getting time off. I booked the tickets and watched my bank account fade away. It was only two days before the flight did I decide to tell Harry.

"Hey is your passport in date?" I suddenly thought about the flights we'd be on in 48 hours.

"Yeah why?" He asked leaving his football game on fifa.

"Well I may have booked us a trip." I mumbled. "What trip?" He said more sceptical.

"For our 6 month anniversary, I bought us tickets and a hotel in Australia for two weeks." I said joyfully. "Surprise!" I said more erratically excited to see his reaction.

"You didn't?" He said utterly shocked. "Yep." I said smug.

"I reserved us a table for dinner. And you're taking me to Australia. Wow. You've really out done me there." He laughed. "Hmmm I'll give you the year one." I smiled. "Oooh a year, you really think you'll put up with me that long?" He said, moving to me on the bed. "Well I've come this far. Why give up now." I hummed as he brought his lips to mine. He suddenly pulled away. "Fuck how am I going to top Australia?" He said genuinely concerned. "You're an idiot." I laughed as I pulled him down on top of me, placing his lips on mine once again, fumbling in the sheets.

I watched on the day of the flight, Harry packing his case. It brought back the memory of him packing for Barcelona. It's crazy to think about how far we'd come from then. I looked down at the boy I loved and felt more at ease. He carried our cases down and left them in the car for when we needed to leave. The fact that he managed to pack somewhat early for me made my heart melt. We had around 2 hours spare and decided to spend it in privacy, as if we weren't getting enough of that over the next 2 weeks. We rolled around in bed until it was time to say goodbye to the others.

Swiftly we parked at the airport and made it to our seats with plenty of time. "Wow you didn't waste time on the seats either, they must've cost so much I wish you'd let me pay." Harry mumbled in his spacious pod. I refused to let him know I spent every last penny on this holiday. "It's fine Harry, you don't have to worry about that." I mumbled. "It's a long flight, might as well be a comfy one." I said convincing myself more than him. It was the only way I could justify the price, thankful the airline company paid the majority of the tickets for a paid promotion. All I had to do was tweet the airlines, or rather Harry did. I was hoping he wouldn't mind, maybe I'd sneak it on his Twitter.

I sighed and relaxed into the pod I'd be spending the next day in.

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