Twenty Eight

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We spent the next few days exploring Perth and even venturing a little further, but today was a chill day as we were both exhausted. We ventured around the shopping centres and explored the the great Australian food. Harry continuously attempting their accents, massively standing out from the crowd. We walked into a joke store looking for videos ideas to bring back to the UK or even film in the hotel.

I picked out a few ideas that I found hilarious, Harry not so much. I tried to tease him "Look you can finally reveal your girlfriend to YouTube!" I exclaimed pulling the grow your own girlfriend toy off the shelf. "You know what, I'll take that." He said taking it from me causing me to laugh. The idea actually amusing to see him tracking the growth.

"Woah nelly." He said standing behind this podium of clothes. "What?" I laughed poking round to see what he found. He began laughing as he turned round to show me a small item of clothing. "How mad is this." He laughed hysterically. "Daddy never did visit the outback." He muttered in pauses. I just stared at the baby grow in his hands, "I don't get it. Why's it funny?" I said confused. " know the way baby's aren't conceived." He laughed at my innocence. "Oh god, can you imagine dressing a kid in that!" I cringed. "Yeah, it would be the everyday outfit." He laughed. I thought about the growing life in my womb and turned around continuing to look for ideas to distract myself.

We took our items to the till and soon found our way back to the hotel where we set up the camera and filmed some footage for Harry's channel, I stayed out of view but echoed my laughs along side Harry as he planted a fake poo in the hotel lobby and watched as people walked by or screamed before realising. It was all fun and games until Harry got told off by hotel management, recording his shoes the entire conversation to add on later. He left the footage to edit at home, giving us more time.

I thought about tomorrow and how it was the one year anniversary of Alex's death, me and Harry agreed we'd spend the day in her honour, sit down and pay our respects. But for now it was just me and him, and I thought now was as good as time as ever to tell him about the pregnancy. I felt the uneasy feeling wash over me causing me to sprint to the bathroom, luckily I was safe.

"Harry, can we talk?" I asked as I entered the living room. "Ooof sounds serious." He laughed before seeing my face, my blank if not upset expression confusing him. "What's going on?" He asked more concerned. "I need to tell you something." I said trying to figure out how to tell him.

"It's okay, whatever it is." He said trying to make me feel better. I couldn't imagine what ideas must've been rushing through his head.

"I need your honest opinion on this. Right you can't be fake with me here. I need to know how you feel because I can't be the one who decides." I started.

"Okay, all honest. What's on your mind?" He asked.

"I took a test a few days ago, I already thought I might but now I know I'm pregnant." I said trailing off waiting for a reply. His mind trying to connect the pieces as he muttered out confused reply's.

"A baby?" He began. "Like you're pregnant." He said running his hands through his hair. I sat silent waiting for more. "I'm sorry I'm just trying to process this."

"It's okay." I said knowing it was a lot to take in, I've had a while to understand it whereas he'd just found out. I couldn't expect him to make rational thoughts right now.

"Well I love you, and I don't see us not working for the future. I just didn't expect a baby, I mean I'm only 22. And you're only 21." He croaked.

"I know, I've been thinking about not going through with it." I mumbled waiting for his reaction. Within a second his expression changed. "No, that's not what I meant."

"Like we're so young Harry, and we've only been dating 6 months, we don't live together and your whole image on YouTube is this single guy, it won't look good if you suddenly turn into this dad who can't upload because he's so exhausted. It's not fair." I muttered. "I want kids but I agree with you, nows not the time." He said, the guilt all over his face. A feeling of relief washed over me as I felt I was no longer alone in this.

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