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I stood at the front door holding poppy in my arms as Harry stood at the front door, kissing her cheek multiple times causing her to giggle, he laughed back, I forced a smile to avoid raising suspicion. "Agh, I'll miss you." He mumbled to me. "I'll miss you two, we both will." I said trying to guilt him. "I'll be back before you know it. I love you." He said before kissing me, holding my lips firmly against his, holding the back of me neck with his hand, the other hand on his case handle ready to leave. I couldn't bring myself to say it back as I knew what he was about to do. Within seconds he left and the door was shut. Leaving me and poppy standing alone while her dad left to meet another woman.

I tried to keep myself busy but it was impossible knowing what Harry was up to. I wondered if anyone knew he was meeting another woman, maybe some one from the sidemen. I couldn't ask them, but it killed me not knowing. I called Cleo for support, telling her everything while my daughter lied asleep in the other room.

I sat in the living room, sobbing down the phone. She tried to reassure me that he wouldn't do that, convincing me that I've read into the messages. Until I read them out to her, changing her tune completely.

"What the actual fuck?" She almost shouted down the phone in shock. "I don't know what to do." I cried harder.

"Confront him, that's all you can do. You need an answer for why he's doing it. I mean for all we know he isn't, but if he is then he needs to explain himself." She said the clear anger in her voice.

"We have a child together. I can't believe he'd do this!" I said raging myself.

"Do you want me to come over, I can call in sick to work tomorrow?" She offered. "Thank you but I'll be fine. I promise."

"Are you sure. I can be on the first train over." She mumbled tempting me. "No I'll be fine, me and poppy will hang out." I smiled at her offer.

"Well I'm currently booking my ticket." She laughed. "What! Cleo no I'll be okay." I said laughing back.

"Done, thank god for Apple Pay, nice and quick. I'll head over in an hour. I'll back my bags. I'll be with you until Harry gets back. It's only two nights." She said then suddenly hanging up.

As much I hated to admit, I barely made effort with the girls anymore but nevertheless they were always there for me. And for that I'm the most grateful.

I spent the next few hours with poppy, watching her amuse herself with the hanging cuddly toys from her soft frame that laid above her. She continued to struggle to roll over until she would successfully do it, causing me to pull a face at her. Showing her I was happy. She would giggle, recognising me.

I gave her, her afternoon feed, shortly before Cleo turned up at the door. A small suit case by her legs. I welcomed her in with a hug, showing her to our bedroom where she would be staying  with me.

"How are you doing?" She asked laying the case down on the floor.

"Not great, like I can't stop thinking that he'll be with her right now. Doing god knows what." I said feeling the lump form in my throat.

"What does it mean for you two if he is?" She asked.

"Oh god I don't even want to think about it. Poor poppy, like I feel like I couldn't do that to her but I wouldn't want to be around Harry if he is." I mumbled.

"I really hope for all of you he isn't. I mean Harry always seemed obsessed with you, it's hard to believe that he'd wander." She spoke. "I know, he tried so hard with me in the beginning, why would someone throw that away?" I said thinking back to a year ago.

"I have no idea, god I'll kill him." She sighed.

We kept busy for the next two days, often taking a trip to the park or even visiting some other members of YouTube. I sensed Cleo was desperate to hook up with ones of them. She used my curlers to loosely style her bob, I always thought she looked like Olivia Culpo when she did that, her bold eyebrows plucked to perfection, she was honestly a stunning friend.

"What's the aim here?" I asked smirking. Taking her out to dinner with some others while cal spent the night in with poppy. We didn't often leave poppy with other, I remember the first time felt like hell, constantly on edge of what was happening while we weren't there. But now we felt safer knowing she was in safe hands with Cal. He adored her so much, cherishing her whenever he saw her.

We went out for a meal with Simon, Talia, Ethan, and Tobi. We sat across each other on the table, I watched as Ethan would often look over at Cleo, admiring the beauty we both saw in her. Meanwhile me and Tobi exchanged gossip, catching up on each other's lives. I showed him the video of poppy rolling over, his reaction priceless as he slammed both his hands against his cheek. "Our little sidemen baby is doing bits." He smiled. "Sidemen baby!" I shrieked with laughter.

"Of course, she's the eighth member. I still can't believe Harry has a baby, I can't believe how beautiful she is. Rolling over like a champ, it won't be long until Harry has her up on the pitch." He laughed. "My girls not a footballer, I can tell. She's bookworm, I feel it." I smiled looking at her rolling over on my phone.

"Nerd." Tobi muttered causing me to nudge him. "Nah she needs to be in a sidemen video, well just say we've adopted a baby." He laughed. Simons ears pricked up "yo that's a shout.".

"You're not adopting poppy!" I laughed. "Honestly a sidemen become dads video, we take care of her for a day, give you a day off." Ethan suggested.

"We could go out for the day, maybe do something relaxing?" Talia suggested. "I suppose you could do two videos with that idea." I smiled. "So that's a yes? I mean will make sure it's okay with Harry." Simon nodded.

"Maybe when she's older, she's only just learnt to roll over, like you'll just have a floppy baby to take care of." I said suddenly realising how we were exploiting my baby. "Poor poppy." I mumbled.

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