Fourty Five

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Back to Eva

I watched as Harry edited the footage, giving me an insight of what happened while I was away. They all looked so clueless throughout, making me laugh at their attempts. The footage of them eating the baby food had to be the funniest part, their disgust was amazing.

"No wonder you're spitting it back out. I wouldn't want to eat this either." Vik commented.

"It's actually not that bad you know." Simon added.

The views were mixed. It was only when it got to the part where they started trying my breastmilk did I hide in horror. "Oh my god harry!" I shrieked. He laughed in response. "How could you let them try it." I said shocked.

"It's alright they only had a few drops." He showed me as they shook some into a cup and passed it round. The reviews mixed. Some saying it tasted really sweet and others just straight up refusing to try it. I watched as Harry tried some, vlogging very close up onto his face. "Hmm. It's not bad." He said pulling a face. I shrivelled in embarrassment, then coming to laugh.

We watched the final video together and commented on the many hints that were dropped. It was obvious to us that poppy was Harry's, but whether others caught on would be anyone's guess.

I watched as Poppy's head would follow Harry around the room, pointing it out to Harry and laughing. She would only settle in his arms, as he was the only one who would be familiar. On top of this it was videoed that Harry stayed in her room and took care of her bottles, allowing others to attempt to change her nappy, obviously recording only the person reaction for many legal reasons.

As Sunday approached we prepared to send of the video, finally publishing it before dinner. I cooked us a homemade spaghetti bolognese while poppy had a blended version of it, the mushy pasta looking revolting but she seemed to love it as she finished the meal.

After we put poppy to bed we checked the comments, reading that people had caught on.

'Funny how the least responsible took on the dad role. Why is Harry more of a dad than josh now??'

'Daddy Harry.'

'Poppy is the cutest baby, I wouldn't be surprised if she was Harry's after seeing this video.'

'Loved the video, please tell me she's one of yours!!!'

'Did anyone else notice that Harry was sleeping in the same room as poppy? I know he doesn't have his own bedroom but why of all people was Harry looking after her?!?!'

'Harry was great in this video! Did you see how well his connected with Eva. Could defo see him with a child after this.'

"Are you going to tell them she's your daughter?" I asked, slightly happy after those comments.

"It's coming out tomorrow on the more sidemen channel, I've recorded a few clips to start it off then I was thinking of adding those ones I took throughout the pregnancy and when she was just born?" He said more asking than stating.

"That's a really good idea." I smiled. I couldn't deny the thought made me stomach flip, but it was the right thing to do. We couldn't live our life in secret forever. It's family before jobs, so why hide ours?

I watched the final video before Harry uploaded, my eyes tearing up at the beautiful moments I'd almost forgotten. It started off with Harry addressing the comments on the most recent video, in classic Harry style. He was on the screen while screenshots of the comments came flying towards him, until finally he picked up poppy from the floor and cuddled her in his arms, beginning the video properly. I'm sure this would drive people crazy just as much as it did me.

'If people don't remember I posted a few hints on Twitter last year referring to the 8th member of the sidemen, and this is her, Poppy Alex Lewis. Me and my girlfriend found out we were having a baby early last year, and here she is, 6 months old.' He said holding her up to the camera and bringing her too close for comfort. 'That's all I really have to say, you don't need a full on explanation but we've got to get this to 10 minutes so here's some clips.' He then said using Poppy's hand to swipe in time with an effect that over lapped Harry and played some older videos. Ones from the doctors office, hearing her heart beat, and seeing her on screen. I was thankful these clips were taken without us in them, to avoid exposing me as well.

After roughly 2 minutes of prebirth videos finally we arrived at the moment that revealed Harry holding our newborn daughter for the first time, his face priceless. You can hear Cal in the background in some, but for the most part it's still keeps me out of it. Then comes the introductions, following introducing her to the sidemen and her first trip to Guernsey. Just as we began to reach the ten minute mark and very quick slideshow of pictures of poppy flew past, highlighted by some beautifully calm music. Finally ending with a video of poppy laughing gentle, the camera panning to Harry who pulled the cutest face in response, the footage fading away as the video came to an end, finishing at 11 minutes.

We sat together as Harry sent to be public. We refreshed the page, rewatching the video again. When it came to the end I was surprised to see the already surge of comments underneath. A lot shocked, some unpleasant to read, but for the most part a lot of love.

'Ngl, better reveal than Kylie Jenner's.'

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