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Midnight hit and so had the alcohol. Harry lined up two more shots for us, I laughed and tapped the glass against his before swallowing in one. I cringed at the taste and shook my head. "How you feeling now?" He shouted over the music. "I'm drunk, officially." I laughed leaning forward on his shoulder. "Wow you really are." He said grabbing my elbow. "I'm good." I laughed. "Throwing my head back for those shots is going to have me on the floor." I said regaining my clear vision.

I queued some songs and waited for them to over take the latest rap songs the guys all seemed to know the lyrics to. Everyone was drunk and in need for some throw backs. The start to stacys mom started to play, allowing the echos of shouts to start. I laughed at Cal "oh come on lads." He said grabbing onto Callum and josh. JJ voice turned into an accent and began shouting missed lyrics, sending Simon into hysterics. Harry grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to where they were to dance. Cal put his arms around me and kissed my cheek, swaying with me. "Cal you're so drunk." I laughed. "Stacys mom!" Is all I could get as a reply.

A few of the girls made conversation with me, but I always drifted back to the guys. I felt more comfortable with them even though I was quite obviously not one of the lads. I befriended a girl named Talia, Simons girlfriend. She would often pull me over to dance, whenever one of the song we chose came on. Girls dance a lot differently to guys, I never really considered when I was with Alex, but when me and Talia danced with each we seemed to have a few pair of eyes on us, especially Simons.

Talia grabbed my hands has I spun around, my back to her I dropped to the floor and preformed the classic slut drop. Talia hyped me up and made me laugh. Suddenly I heard Cal making noise over the music. "Nope, nope. We're not having that." He said trying to block the guys view of us. "That's my sister!" He laughed, clearly after seeing us being ogled. I leaned on Cal and laughed it off. "Damn, you two." Simon said creeping up behind Talia, she laughed and kissed him on the lips.

"Ayyye, your sisters mad bro." JJ shouted at Cal, it's the first time I'd heard him acknowledge me. Typical that's what got us talking. "Yeah it's a bit awkward with my brother killing the mood." I laughed as I involved myself with that group of guys. "Come on Cal got to let her have a bit of fun." Callum said backing my corner. "Not with you perves about." He laughed, pointing specifically to JJ. "Who? Me!" He replied over exaggerating his response. "Nah, you know we're cool." He said in a more serious tone.

I looked around to see Harry was no where to be seen. I grabbed my cigarettes from my room and knocked on his door hoping not to be interrupting anything. The door opened slightly, and Harry popped his head out, clearly up to something.

"Oh jeez." I blurted out. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to smoke?" I said holding up the packet. "Oh god yeah." He said pulling the door open further. He and and Nicole were both fully clothed to my surprise. She was sitting on his bed rubbing her lips together and touching her chin, I could tell they'd just been kissing.

We made our way to the elevator, waiting for the doors to close Harry started laughing. "You didn't hold up to your end of the deal."

"What do you mean, I'm here with fags aren't I?" I laughed. "No, I mean with Nicole."

"Oh please, you're a grown man, that was your tongue down her throat not mine." I blurted out. "How could you tell?" He said blushing. "Mate I know the signs. It was all over her face, that and you've got a tint of red lipstick on you." I said causing him to start rubbing his lips on the back of his hand.

"I got you tonight, no more leaving my sight." I said. "If that's what you want."

"Please, stop me." He laughed.

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