Twenty Two

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Around 1 in the morning, I felt more alive than I ever had before, like the deathly drain of holding onto hope had faded away. I stopped drinking for the night and began to slowly sober up. I socialised with everyone feeling bubbly with the remaining alcohol in my system.

Me and JJ clicked really well, his humour making me laugh all night, it was just ridiculously over the top stupid. I was greeted by a very late arriving tobi who bought me a present.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." He said kissing my cheek. Tobi was one of the only ones I truly got on with, knowing him from the previous visits to see Cal. We bonded a lot. I opened up his wrapping to find a dress inside. "Oh my god, I never expected you to pick out women's clothing." I laughed. "I didn't, my friend Zoe picked it out. You two are very similar so I know it'll fit." He said giving my a hug, in the bottom of the bag I found one of his illvzn hoodies, I pulled it out and smiled "that one is more for me." He laughed. "Thank you so much Tobi. I'll wear this every day, gotta help promote the style."

The music suddenly turned down making everyone question what was happening. I saw Cal turning down the dial on the sound system, on the phone the to someone. He held up his finger to signal one moment. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. We all stood around patiently wondering what was happening. JJ waited for a solid 30 seconds before he mutter "Ah fuck this." He walked over to the control system and turned it back up. We all shrugged in agreement and carried on drinking and dancing.

Cal emerged again, the most worried I've seen him look before. He looked dead at me and and my heart sank. Something was wrong. Why was he looking at me? He broke eye contact and almost ran to the control centre turning on the lights and unplugging the music. "What the fuck man?" JJ shouted. "Yo, Cals deading this." Simon laughed over to JJ egging him on. Cal walked straight back over to me pulling me aside, his mouth hanging slightly open this entire time, he ran his hand over his new growing hair.

"Please don't panic, I'm sure everything is fine I'm going straight there now." He said mumbling about, everyone's eyes on us looking just as confused as I felt. "Cal what's going on?" I asked panicked.

"Harry's been in an accident, he's at the hospital, you should come with me." He said frantically. My heart sunk, I felt faint with pain. "What accident what's happened?"

"They just said a car accident." He said knowing it's the one thing that would frighten me more than anything. Knowing Alex died in the same way. Not again were the same words repeating in my head as I ran to get my coat and change my shoes. I somewhat heard cal telling the others, knowing they were his best friends. It wasn't long before me, Cal, Callum, and the rest of the sidemen were out on the street waiting for our taxis to take us straight there. None of us being in the fit state to drive.

I sat silent in the taxi with Cal and Callum pondering if this is Alex's way of telling me no. I can't move on. The journey there felt never ending. I couldn't help the feelings of deja vu. I felt Cals hand stroking my back, Callum looking at me with a sense of pity. I just needed him to be okay. As soon as the taxi pulled up me and Cal jumped out leaving Callum to pay. We ran to the reception desk asking for Harry Lewis room. The reception confirmed cal was in-fact Harry's emergency contact, allowing her to reveal his location. "He's on ward A8 you'll have to ask a doctor to show you to the bay he's in as it's not on the system yet." She said standing up and pointing to the direction to the left. We followed the signs and eventually found the location. Texting the others to where we were. The doctor showed us to a private room where Harry was inside.

"Alright guys." Harry smiled, slightly tiltted up by his bed allowing him to see us. His chin was grazed, a massive plaster and bandage around his forehead to the left. His arm was in a plaster, and wires were coming out of everywhere recording his vital signs. But apart from that he was fine. No oxygen bag, no surgery's, he was responsive. Thank god. I sat down silently looking at the ground while the boys stood by his bed mocking him for his injury's. The laughter was warming. I couldn't help but think maybe this was a sign from Alex, but not what I originally thought. Maybe she was telling me that I have a second chance, a chance I didn't have with her to make it work. I battled with myself over the true meaning of what had happened, until I realised maybe this had no meaning. Maybe I need to stop overthinking everything and just be glad that Harry is here and I can finally tell him what I realised I should've told him two weeks ago.

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