Thirty Seven

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The day of August 7th arrived and so had my contractions. A more powerful and intense version. I insisted on staying at home until I was certain it wasn't Braxton hicks. After 3 long hours of grunting and crying I finally gave in and allowed Harry to take me to the hospital. We arrived at 1 in the afternoon and brought straight to a bed. We went through the same routine as before but this time, it was the real deal.

"Wow, you're 6cm dilated. I'm surprised you're not in more pain." She said after checking me. "More pain, I've had enough pain." I said moaning. Unfortunately too late to have an epidural as my labour was moving so fast.

Harry reappeared into the room, a less nervous look on his face. "Your mums on her way down,  Cals out in the waiting room with Callum." He motioned to down the hall. "They can come in if you want them to." The midwife said disposing of her gloves.

After a few minutes cal entered the room alone saying that Callum was on the phone to Sarah. I was welcomed with flowers of all colours and a kiss on the forehead. "I can't believe it's time." Cal motioned. Looking at me then to Harry. It must've been strange seeing Harry having a child, and also me.

I grabbed a hold of the bed railings and squeezed and another wave of pain washed over me, taking it's bitter sweet time to leave. Over 2 hours later I was taken into the delivery room where I was instructed to push. My heart rate was hitting the roof with nerves and adrenaline. Harry stood beside me the entire time, the bedsheet pushed up to my knees covered the sight we both agreed we didn't want to see. "You can do this, I'm so nervous and proud." Harry stuttered holding my hand and wiping my sweaty hair backwards. "Am I nearly done?" I asked taking a breather. "Nope, once we get the head out we can help you out but until then it's all on you." The midwife said instructing me to push again. I pushed as hard as I could until they told me to stop, feeling the pain gushing up my body.

After the next and final push I felt the pain fade away as a release of hormones shocked my body. A sound of crying filling the room, I barely got a glimpse before she was taken to the other side of the room as I delivered the placenta. Towels and blankets wiped her down and warmed her up. I watched as Harry tried to lean a peak but before we knew it they were bringing out newly swaddled baby over and into my arms, pulling back the folds of the white blanket to introduce skin to skin.

I looked up to see Harry contently staring down at her, her small amount of brown hair sticking up from towel, I used to electric bed to sit up, rotating her in my arms so we could see her face. Never had name so perfectly fitted. "Poppy." I mumbled feeling Harry's arm wrap round me as he sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back with me to see our child. Her eyes opened revealing a dazzling pair of blue eyes, tones of grey to warm them down.

Before I knew it I had cal hovering over my bed holding Poppy in his arms, refusing to cry. "She's beautiful." He said slightly bouncing her in his arms. Our mum hovered over his shoulder using her finger to touch Poppy's chin, admiring her new and first grandchild.

Harry helped me as I tied up my hair, allowing me to cool down. I watched as she was handed back to Harry, she looked so small in his arms, my heart literally skipping at the sight, the monitor catching it perfectly. I was shown how to breast feed and fortunately poppy had a perfect latch. In just a few shorts hours we were cleared to go home, poppy only being born at 3:28pm now set to arrive home for 9pm, spending her first night in the bassinet next to our bed. I left the hospital in a wheelchairs, cal helping push me out as poppy paid asleep in the car chair carried by Harry.

We strapped the holder into the car and began our journey home. I sat in the back of the car, watching this little human sleep, making sure she was safe on the 20 minute journey through London. Everything seemed more dangerous than before. I felt like every car was going to hit us sideways.

We entered the flat, it felt so familiar but yet now so different, we were no longer alone. Me and Harry spent an hour admiring her before we both admitted it was time for bed.

After a sleepless night of getting up every hour or two we finally woke for the day, appreciating every moment of silence we could achieve.

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