Twenty Five

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We landed after the longest flight id ever experienced, the thought of making that flight home was making me wince. Harry gladly tweeted about the airline, attaching a picture of our champagne admiring the view of the pod in the background. He captioned '@emirates thank you for the amazing flight, making the 24+ hour flight painless. Australia here I come!!'

Emirates retweeted his tweet reassuring me it was enough, I threw away the thought a breathed in the warm air. We arrived in Perth, sending us to a four star hotel by the beach. The 20+ degree weather was a delightful change to the freezing temperatures of London.

It wasn't long before we had our sliders on and headed down to the beach sinking our feet into the hot sand. "This is insane." I said feeling the heat on my souls of my feet. "I can't believe you did this." He said grabbing my waist and pulling me into him.

"Total and complete privacy. Just us two for an entire two weeks." I whispered back throwing my arms over his shoulder. "It's refreshing to go out and not have to worry about being together and being noticed."

"Hmmm we can be a nice and normal couple." I mumbled with a smile. "Hmm normal?" He questioned. "Maybe not." I laughed letting go of him. We stripped down into our swim wear and posed for a few photos to send back home before we took a shallow stroll through the water. I held out clothes in my beach bag, keeping everything organised. Our hands slightly sweaty as they swung intertwined in the sun.

We stayed there until the sunset, waiting for dinner to come round. Harry insisted to let him pay for everything on holiday since I paid to bring us here. I agreed knowing full well I was now bankrupt.

We went casual for tonight, knowing our anniversary was in a few days, we were waiting to go big to celebrate. I don't know what could be bigger than Australia.

After dinner we headed back to the hotel and christened the sheets, continuing the same routine for the next few days until finally it was the 10th of January, exactly 6 months after we first became official. We spent the majority of the day in bed, cuddling, kissing, and more.

It was only when dinner came around did we realise how hungry we were. We showered and dressed up for the special occasion. Harry wore a slim fitting suit, looking absolutely smashing. I watched as he replied to people on his phone, walking into the bedroom while putting in my earrings. My long brown hair hanging in loose curls. The dress Tobi bought me for my birthday, scarlet dress sat perfectly on my body. The straight neckline held up with spaghetti straps, the middle held in with a matching skinny belt. Flowing down just below my knees. I felt simple yet luxurious. I pulled on a pair of my silver coloured heels, block heels of course. I flicked my hair back, the motion causing Harry to catch a sight of me. "Wow." He mumbled, even after all his compliments the simple Wow was always the one that made me blush the most.

"Don't look too shabby in a suit." I said pulling at his tie, before rearranging it. "Hmm well you won't catch me in one again." He mumbled, much to my disappointment, he really did look good.

Harry surprised me to a a restaurant deep into the city, the bar and and seats located on the top of the building, fire pits spotted around, while romantic dinner lights hung from wires above us. I awed in amazement. We were sat at the bar for roughly five minutes before guided to our seats, I looked at the menu and couldn't ignore the prices.

"Harry!" I said slightly annoyed. "Do we get to keep the plates for this money?" I said shocked.

"It's fine, just relax." He laughed noticing we were the least classy people in the establishment. "We're so out of our depths." I laughed. Suddenly realising this was my life now, going from take out meals to fancy dinners out, dressing like the stars.

"You look the part, just to try to be convincing." He laughed at my attitude. It wasn't long before our dinner was over and the restaurants became crowded. Harry paid and we soon found our way out, we made it back to the hotel and relaxed in front of the tv dialling back the excitement. I felt a familiar queasy feeling, pushing it down and cuddling up to Harry.

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