Fourty Four

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I began the day, putting Eva's milk in the fridge to keep it cool for when we need to use it. Poppy had started on solids a few weeks back so we planned a trip to the supermarket to pick up some baby food, possibly more to get everyone to try some. I ran upstairs leaving Poppy's changing mat and nappy's by my bed, preparing for what would come.
I was welcomed to the crib that josh had previously set up for me, laying her blanket and cuddly toy in there ready for her nap in a few hours. It was crazy how much stuff we needed to bring to prepare for a night away.

"Are you ready?" I shouted as I came running down the stairs, Poppy's face lighting up when I was in eyesight.

"Come here pops." I said taking her out of JJs arms and rocking her in my arms. JJ let out a genuine half smile as he observed me with poppy. "What?" I laughed.

"Nothing, it's just weird to see you with a child. You're a good dad mate." He commented. I appreciated the saying, nodding in response.

We set up every camera to start recording and stood in-front of the main one standing in front of door, facing the hall way to create a backdrop. I started off introducing the video while Ethan stood behind us all holding poppy in his arms waiting to reveal.

"So this weeks video is going to be a little different, we have a special guest joining us making it possibly one of the hardest challenges we've have ever done considering none of us apart from daddy josh have an experience in this." I started causing a couple of laughters. "Bruh did you just call josh dad!" JJ laughed.

"Over the next 24 hours we'll be acting as dads to this little gremlin." I said moving to the side signalling Ethan to walk forward with poppy in his arms. "Don't call poppy a gremlin." Ethan defended. "As you can imagine there will be some of us who will do better than others." I said causing the majority to point to JJ.

"Fam! I'll be sick." JJ insisted. The introduction carried on as planned explaining poppy is 6 months old and what we'll be doing that day. And then the video really began. We started with a trip to the local Sainsbury's, only managing to take 3 of us. We took my car with the seat already set up. Placing poppy carefully Into the seat, and then letting someone else attempt to buckle her in. "Fam why is it so hard!" JJ blurted out struggling to connect all three belts. "Nah fuck it she does need a belt." He said walking away. I laughed before continuing to easily connect all three clicking them in place. I drove as JJ sat beside me, Simon in the back next to poppy.

We pulled out a trolly with a baby carrier and connected her into that making sure she wouldn't slip out. We took a trip through the isles, until we reached the baby food, using our smaller vlogging cameras to capture everything.

I let Simon pick out the flavours, knowing she wasn't allergic to anything. "You have to get the squeezy tubes or the stuff that is blended, she's not on proper solids yet." I said as he looked at the proper food. He picked up some yogurts and blended dinners, adamant on trying them later. We laughed at JJs reaction to the baby items, looking at most foods with disgust or delight. He picked up some nappy's for Poppy's size and some rather large ones. Seeing if we could fit into them as they displayed ones for ages 15. "That's mad? Do teenagers still where these?" Simon said shocked. "Apparently!" I laughed looking at poppy hoping she wouldn't be wetting the bed at that age.

After getting plenty of footage we paid for our shopping and made our way home. We continued to film, capturing the funnier moments, marking the times to make sure its put in the video. Poppy began to get hungry so I left her in Ethan's company while I prepared some baby food, dishing up some on the side to let the others try. It was dinner time so we also got some food delivered, waiting for it to arrive.

Josh held poppy as JJ attempted to feed her with the soft baby spoon, watching her dribble out the excess onto her chin, and then the sofa. They took it in turns to see who could do the best. It was funny to see how a skill I had began to master seemed so helpless in the attempts of others.

After dinner we sat poppy on the floor and continued to keep her entertained. The others mainly scaring her in an attempt to keep her entertained, the fact of her being only 6 months going straight over their heads. She got distressed and started crying, completely unsettled in their arms as they tried to comfort her. It was too cruel to watch so I stepped in picking her up and rocking her in my arms, placing a kiss on her head. "It's okay pops." I mumbled, the camera capturing the moment. Her cried began to soften until she stopped. I placed her back down and showed the others how I learnt to make her laugh. Taking a white muslin cloth and draping it over her, pulling it back and making a noise, after a few attempts her classic giggle came to life making the others laugh as well, a forever contagious effect.

When it approached bedtime for poppy everyone was exhausted, between the constant playing, feeding, and changing of nappy's. You had to keep on top of everything, always watching her, especially around a non baby proofed house.

We laid poppy in her cot and recorded her as she feel asleep, JJ turning his lyrics of his latest song into a nursery rhyme tune, causing others to silence their laughs. I joined on this jokes starting "creature was shit, why did we have to wait four months for it." Following up with my distract, recording JJ faces as I did. His blunt blank expression sweeping through, followed with a almost silent laugh.

We all fell asleep early, shattered from the busy day, waking up roughly every 2 to 3 hours to comfort poppy as she got used to the new environment. I comforted her as the others vlogged waking up, and entering the room to try to help. It was roughly at 6am I got up and started to warm up one of Eva's milks to give to poppy, answering the texts from Eva to assume her everything was fine. I came back upstairs to vlog Tobi sitting in my bed with poppy in his arms, giving him the bottle to feed to her.

We wrapped up the video the next day, saying our goodbyes to poppy as Talia and Eva arrived, collecting poppy. Eva looked so happy to see us both, twirling poppy around, and placing a kiss on my lips. I really did love my girls.

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