Thirty Five

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Before we knew it July 10th had arrived, mine and Harry's one year anniversary. We woke up to the sweltering heat of July, the mid day sunlight shining through the huge wall length window. I felt Harry's hand creep over my waist and cup my stomach, the tightness of my skin started to become uncomfortable as I carried on stretching outwards. I placed my hand over his and pulled him into me, his chest pressed against my back. "Happy anniversary." He whispered, kissing my shoulder. I hummed in response and attempted to get out of bed, I managed to throw my legs onto the floor before sliding onto my bum off the edge and onto the floor. "Oh god, how am I supposed to do this." I said placing my head in my hands, struggling to physically move with this large lump in my way. Harry carried on to laugh as he climbed out of bed. He walked round to my side and helped pull me up to my feet, "its a good thing We're living together. God knows how long you would've been stuck there." He laughed. "It's not funny." I frowned. "I'm so done with this. Can it just get out." I said touching my sore skin. We started off the day with Harry rubbing some specialised pregnancy skin cream over my swollen bump. He tried to be romantic with it, maybe trying to get me in the mood, I'm not entirely sure what he thought would happen. We hadn't been together for months, I was surprised he was doing as well as he was. "Is that better?" He asked knowing how much I complained about my skin. "Hmm a little bit." I said. Harry continued to make this day all about us. Leaving the outside far out of thought. He introduced us to lunch with a full English, we scoffed down out food leaving us feeling bloated in-front of the tv. Harry's food baby almost competing with my real baby.

I spent the evening over hovering in the kitchen watching Harry attempt to cook a more complex meal, he failed massively filling the kitchen with smoke. After he was on the phone ordering a classic Chinese. I watched over the counter as he started to type out a tweet.

'Happy July 10th motherfuckers.' I watched as others began to retweet it. Including Cal, Simon, Tobi, Ethan, alongside Isadora and Cleo. "It's funny how baited this has been made yet know one knows. Like my pregnancy isn't private, you've been posting videos in a different room, you've now just put our anniversary date out there. And no one has managed to make any sort of connection." I laughed. "Should we hint some more?" He asked. In my daring mood I smirked "go on then." I leaned further over the phone to see what he was typing.

'Bring on 13th August, official new member to YouTube!' He looked at me for approval before sending it out. Again we laughed as no one had a clue what it meant. "People think we've got a new sideman." Harry said almost falling to the floor. "Oh god." I laughed.

"Oh nelly, oooh dear." He started intriguing me. "Someone replied is that that the date of your sex change. New member of the team." He laughed. I cracked up at how misleading these tweets were. "Oh god I need to pee, the baby is sitting on my bladder." I said waddling off.

We tried to spicy up our intimate life but all was fail, I wasn't in the mood or capable of letting him near me, so I returned the favour and ended our night cuddling in bed. We woke up early the next day to prepare for the hosting we were about to endure. My baby shower.

I slipped on a swing dress and pulled on some flat shoes, Harry helped me clean up as I struggled to pick up the items off the floor. Having to squat down and then fall onto my bum as I couldn't lift myself back up. The girls arrived over from home to arrange my special day. Setting up all the over the top balloons and banners they brought with them. It wasn't long until Harry said his goodbyes and left to film with the sidemen. I sat down with the girls and watched them crack open a bottle of champagne. "I hate you." I smiled. "Here's your orange juice." Harriet laughed handing me the glass.

It wasn't long before the shower started, friends such as Talia, Sarah, and a few friends from my old uni class turned up joining the girls from back home. I looked round to see my room of around 10 friends thinking of how lucky I was, but I was a little envious of their young care free lives. One I used to have. But In someway I felt like I had something better.

They provided me with lots of useful presents such as a sling for the baby to lay in, holding her close to my body giving my arms a break. Along with teddy's, gift vouchers, and more personal dirty items. "I thought it would come in use for you and Harry after the little ones asleep." Cleo said handing me a box, I opened the side to find a collection of kinky items, from handcuffs, to well some hand held devices. I cringed and thanked god my mum wasn't here.

"I'll have to get a pair of these for you and Simon when it's your turn." I said winking at Talia. "Oh we don't need anymore." She said causing us all to laugh.

I took a moment to myself as I walked to the toilet to relieve the bladder this baby couldn't stop kicking. It was only on the way back to the living room did I hear a pinging sound come from Harry's filming room. I opened the door to see his laptop on, left open. I went in the room to take it off charge and close the lid when it pinged again. A green notification up top right corner, his phone was still synced up to the device. His was receiving a phone call from someone called Emily, I thought to the people I knew and Emily didn't ring a bell. I shrugged it off thinking of a YouTuber was calling him. I knew Harry was filming so he could pick up which explained why there were missed calls. I closed the laptop lid and forgot all about it.

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