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I opened my eyes, stretching my head into my shoulder as I woke up. I could feel Harry's warmth on my back, causing me to inhale deeply in comfort.

"Morning." He croaked, clearly waking up himself. I hummed in response, his hand stroking the fabric of my t shirt over my stomach. He buried his head into the back of my neck and placed a kiss, moving his lips to my shoulder. I repositioned myself in the bed, chest to chest. His arm resting under my head and around my back, pulling me into him. "So this is new." He whispered. "It's nice." I whispered back. "Really fucking nice." He chuckled. Something tells me he doesn't usually wait this long to get in bed with a girl, nevermind sleeping.

"Why did you come in last night." He returned to whispering. "Nothing." I jumped immediately thinking back to that dream. "Eva." He said pulling his head down, multiple small chins exposing. "Izzy slept with cal, idk maybe I was upset." I covered. "You look beautiful in the morning." He skipped. "Stop." I laughed, slightly pushing him away as I laid on my back. Harry's hand curled around my waist as he eyed me. My heart began to race.

"You can't tell me to stop everytime I want to say something nice about you." He said leaning in and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes and bit my lip while he couldn't see. His hand began to creep under my shirt, stroking my skin with his thumb. I moved my hand to Harry's upper back, signalling him to come up, he looked at me, his eyes completely focused on me. My hand slid to his neck pulling him into me, our lips crashing together. He pulled away looking down to the right, pulling at my now bent leg, allowing him between my legs. He returned to the kiss, pulling away yet again in a rushed speed. "Wait." He twisted to reach the cover with his right hand pulling it up to his shoulders, I turned my head to see his left hand flat on the bed beside me for support. I let this carry on for a while, the kissing and small touches before I called for it to stop. As much as I wanted to carry on and feel his skin against mine, I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"I'm sorry." I said sitting up in bed. He sat behind me, rubbing my back. "Don't apologise. You're not ready and that's completely okay."

"Do you want a drink?" I asked standing up from the bed and making my way towards the door. "Yeah, I'll be out once I get dressed." He said fumbling with the bed sheets.

I closed the door behind me and entered the living room, everyone was already up and dressed. Isadora smiled at me "Cleo said you didn't sleep in the bed with her last night." She hinted while raising her eyebrows.

"I got up in the night." I said blankly, a dull tone ringing with it. "You never mentioned Harry was a thing." She pushed.

"Yeah well you never mentioned you were going to sleep with my brother. Suppose we both have things we weren't planning on telling each other." Her face dropped. Cal did nothing.

"Eva, wait." She said getting up and stepping towards me. "I really don't want to hear it. He was off limits and you knew that." I forced.

"I know, I'm really sorry. I wasn't planning on it. It's not like we have a past or anything." Her words rang in my ears. I never even thought of the possibility of them having a past.

"In our defence Eva it's no different from you and Harry." Cal Chirped up. "How is it?" I shot.

"Harry's my best mate and look at you two." He said clearly agitated. He was right. It wasn't any different.

"So what when you come over now you won't bother with me, you'll just run over to my older brother." I said clearly stuck for a defence.


"Do you know how much this has hurt me." I didn't let her finish. Her face changed. A switch went off inside her.

"Hurt you?" She started. "Nothing I will ever do will compare to the pain of what you caused me. Shutting me out like nothing!" She almost shouted. "Are you seriously bringing this up?" I shot.

"It's the one thing you never addressed. You acted so cold towards me. I only wanted to help you. You didn't talk to me for 6 months Eva! How can you expect me not to have an opinion on it. And now you're acting like I just caused a rip in our 8 year friendship, I'm sorry to tell you but you did that."

"I'd just lost the love of my life-"

"And I lost my best friend! You're not the only one who lost someone that night." She started crying. I never thought of what happened on the other side of the wall I built. A wave of empathy washed over me, I walked over to Izzy and pulled her into my arms. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I'm so sorry too. I'll never do it again." She mumbled. I pulled away and looked at Cal. I couldn't tell if he was happy with that or not. He sacrificed a lot for me, giving me his blessing with Harry. Why was I being so selfish?

"Well you've done it now. I guess if anything happens I'll stay out of it." I frowned. That was the best I could do without telling the truth.

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