Twenty Seven

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We stayed out on the beach for a few more hours, watching the sun set. I slipped off my shoes and stood in the water, watching the image of my feet wobble in the clear waves. I looked back at Harry who was sitting in the sand, seemingly soaking up the sun. I thought about telling him but some part of me liked knowing alone. Like it was my moment, it was selfish but I would eventually tell him. I just wanted to enjoy our time as a couple before we had to face any real life problems. After all we were still riding out the honeymoon phase, I couldn't think of anything to destroy that more than an unexpected pregnancy.

I stood out at the ocean and watched the sun ripple into the distance. I placed my hand on my stomach and tried to get in touch with a motherly instinct. Nothing. It just didn't feel like me. It wasn't my time.

I returned back onto the shore where my boyfriend was now watching me. I almost jumped on him as I landed in the sand beside him. I leaned over and kissed him firmly, trying to show him how much I loved him. He kissed me back smiling into it. I pulled away and brushed down my dress before cuddling up to him, he leaned on his hands as we sat there peacefully. "I love you." I mumbled. "I love you too." He said turning his head to look down at me, a beautiful display of his chins. I laughed and grinned at how natural it felt being with him. I pulled out my phone and checked my messages.

'How's the holiday, were all missing you.' I read smiling at Cals message. 'It's going great thank you, we've just had a very peaceful day.' I sent attaching the photos Harry took earlier.

I flicked through the others, typing out quick and simple reply's. Until I reached Talia, we'd grown quite close over the months, usually hanging out with the boys. 'Haven't heard from you since you got on the plane, is everything okay? You've got to let me know how beautiful it is out there. I'm dying to see your pictures! Xx' she sent. I couldn't help but smile to see people cared. I opened the message and began to type out a reply 'yeah, received more surprises than I expected. I'm sure I'll tell you soon. I'll send you the pictures Harry took of me, they're really nice. Xx' I sent back. Almost instantly she opened the message and began to reply. 'Wow you're gorgeous defo post these! Xx' she commented. 'I will, it's just a shame I can't post the one of me and Harry, I just don't want it leaking out. Xx' I sent back thinking about sending them out. I had a normal Instagram, private to avoid fan accounts. I just didn't want the risk, even though it would be nice to show off him off.

I went into my Instagram and loaded up the nice picture of me walking across the wall, captioning 'credit to my boyfriend Harry for doing the impossible and capturing a nice photo of me. A beautiful 6 months with you.' I realised it was a weird anniversary post as he wasn't in it but for the sake of our own privacy I relaxed and sent the photo out into the world. It racked up 90 likes from my old friends and a few of the new ones.

The next day we arranged a trip on a boat, knowing Harry liked watching boats. We traveled along a river travelling through the city passing under the bridges and passing other boats. Harry seemed to be in his element as he admired the boats. I vlogged him as he did, of course for his main channel.

He'd hype himself specifically for the camera, following to do something stupid like lean over the edge of the boat, I jumped in response and grabbed his shirt. I tried my hardest not to talk in the background but at that moment I shrieked. "Harry, my god!" I was almost breathless as he stood on two feet back on the deck. Any more over the railings and I don't think he would've been as lucky. He laughed and apologised, me catching the entire moment on the camera. I turned off the camera and scolded him for his actions, laughing at how stupid he was.

We still had a week left of this holiday, there was no accidents to happen yet! I was insisting we adventured more.

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