S2C Chapter 50: Camping Trip

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The chapter photo was once again created and provided by @Joobodooso all rights to it go to him. Seriously, he colored it on a phone, give him major credit.

As promised, the continuation from the previous chapter, the special 50th Chapter is brought to you in part by Marina's Tours™.


It was early in the morning, the sun had yet to rise, and (Y/N) was the first one to wake up. He looked over and saw Callie and Marie asleep in the bed next to his. He quietly got out of bed and opened the door to the conjoined room to see Pearl, Marina, Veronica, and Liz were all still asleep. He quietly shut the door.

(Y/N): (Guess I'm the first one to wake up. I'm surprised Callie didn't try and climb in bed with me.)

He decided to take a nice morning shower. So, he quietly shut the bathroom door behind him and got undressed and hopped in the shower. Luckily, hotel showers always seem to be quieter than a home shower; probably due to not wanting to wake up other guests.

Pearl POV

Pearl woke up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She saw the other three in her room were still fast asleep and the sun was just barely rising. She checked the other room to see Callie and Marie were sleeping in their bed, but (Y/N) was gone.

Pearl: (Where could he b-)

She then noticed the sound of a running shower and looked over to see light emitting from under the door. So, she went over towards it hearing him saying something in there.

Pearl: (Is he...singing?)

So, Pearl did what anyone would do: she took out her phone, started recording, and cracked the door open just a tiny bit. The curtain was see-through, but it was a material that made it too blurry to see anything private.

Pearl: (Is he singing Tide Goes Out?)

She was trying to cover her mouth to keep her giggles in, but it must have alerted him. He peeked his head out from behind the curtain and saw Pearl there. He immediately started blushing.


Pearl's eyes grew wide and immediately closed the door, fast. She was still giggling but trying to cover her mouth to stop it from being too loud and to finish it off, she posted the video online.



The seven of them had all woken up, gotten dressed, packed up their things, and were now driving to...wherever it was that Callie, Marie, Pearl, and Marina still hadn't told him, Liz, or Veronica.

The car stopped back at the Pygmy Mansion to see that a couple of boxes, which were quite sizeable, were on the front doorstep of the house. This confused (Y/N), and apparently Liz and Veronica, even more.

Pearl: Well? You four better help us pack the tent and junk.

(Y/N): Tent?

This seemed to make the three realize what was going on, and even made Veronica start looking exponentially happy.

Veronica: Camping!?

Marina just giggled and replied.

Marina: That's right.

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