S3C Chapter 5: Routine Inspection

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An early Christmas gift of a chapter! Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it and Happy Holidays to anyone who celebrates another holiday this season. I hope you like this chapter!


(Y/N) was having fun in the main room of the building watching television with Frye and Big Man. Suddenly, however, Frye got a notification on her phone.

Frye: Aw man, I'll see you guys later, my grandfather needs help with something.

She said while rubbing the back of her neck after getting up off the couch.

Big Man: Ay? (Does he have something important he needs your help with again?)

Frye: Probably not. He probably just needs my help with something mundane again.

She waved off to them as she left, and the two on the couch gave one back.

For a while longer, Big Man and (Y/N) were just playing video games together, until Shiver showed up.

Shiver: Yo, you two, where's Frye at?

Shiver asked while walking in front of the television, but (Y/N) and Big Man were just leaning to see behind her at the television.

(Y/N): She got a message on her phone and dipped.

Big Man: Ay. (Her granddad asked for her help with something).

Shiver: Hm, I see.

She thought for a second.

Shiver: Do either of you two boys want to help me out with something then?

Big Man started sweating a bit.

Big Man: Ay, ay... (Oh, uh, what time is it? I've actually got something I've got to do right now...)

He put down the controller and quickly made his exit. (Y/N) was a little confused by what was going on, but she was now leaning over towards him with her fan in front of her face.

Shiver: Lucky you, you get to be my assistant for the day!

She gave a little clap that didn't reassure him of anything.

(Y/N): This seems like it won't end well for me.

Shiver: Oh come on, it won't be that bad... for me. And you'll live and I'll put this towards your debt.

She gave an evil little snicker.

(Y/N): Has anyone ever told you you're a sadist before?

She snapped her fan.

Shiver: Not ones who have lived to ever say it again.

He sighed.

(Y/N): Fine, let's get this over with...

She held her fan against his chin.

Shiver: Now that's more like.

She said as she turned to lead the way for him to follow.


(Y/N): THIS is the place?

Shiver: This is the place.

(Y/N): Are you sure this is safe?

Shiver: I don't know about that, but the one who owes me money is in there.

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