Halloween Bashes & Smashes

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I got out of bed lazily and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door and saw Jeremy brushing his teeth. He nodded his head at  me in acknowledgment once he saw me and I looked at him curiously. "Here, I'm done." He pointed out as he set his toothbrush down on the sink.

"Why are you up so early? Where are you going?" I asked, since it wasn't even an hour until school would start.

"They're arranging a search party at the police station for Vicki. I'm gonna go help." Jeremy informed before walking to his room quickly and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Shouldn't you go to school?" Elena questioned as she came into the bathroom from her room and Jeremy turned to both of us.

"You're kidding, right?" He asked in annoyance, clearly not seeing her point.

"School is still important, Jeremy. When they find Vic, we'll know. You have a cellphone, don't you?" I replied sarcastically, not wanting this argument to start getting heated.

"I see your mouth moving, and I don't know why." Jeremy shrugged before giving a fake smile and going into his room. I rolled my eyes in defeat and turned to Elena who shook her head and grabbed her toothbrush as well.

Elena rang the door bell of the Boarding house while I looked around the front yard curiously, thinking that it looked bigger than I remembered. The front door opened and I turned to see Damon who smirked at us and leant up against the door once he saw it was Elena and I standing in front of him. "Is Stefan here?" Elena asked emotionlessly and Damon looked past her, to me.

"Yep." He answered, ignoring her as we looked at each other intently and I rose my eyebrow.

"Where is he?" Elena asked impatiently, making Damon turn his attention to her finally.

"And good morning to you, little miss 'I'm on a mission'." He countered with a fake smile.

"How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?" Elena asked in annoyance, tilting her head at Damon who rose an eyebrow.

"And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?" Damon countered, shaking his head at her in disbelief.

"If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead." Elena stated, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Yes, you would." He agreed with a sigh, no longer wanting to talk to her.

"But I'm not." Elena pointed out carelessly, shrugging back at him in a matter of fact way.

"Yet." Damon warned, clearly getting irritated with her.

"So if you want to be dead, Elena—just keep talking." I informed, rolling my eyes at her before I turned back to Damon. "Where's Stefan?" I asked in a nicer tone.

"He's upstairs dancing to 'singing in the rain'. Knock yourselves out." He answered before widening the door for us. I nodded and passed through with ease and Elena followed right behind me. I walked into the living room, looking around at the familiar surroundings while Elena roamed the hall and Damon shut the door before standing beside me.

"Stefan?" Elena asked around the house in a loud voice. "Stefan?" She repeated after not getting an answer before he appeared on the stairs above her.

"Yes?" He asked quietly, looking down at her expectantly.

"Where is Vicki?" She said cautiously, staring up him before he put a finger to his ear and gestured up the set up stairs leading to the second floor above us.

"She's upstairs." Stefan stated as he came down the stairs and stood in front of her.

"What happens now? Because my brother is out there searching for her with the rest of the town." Elena stated in concern.

I'm Mariana Gilbert. (TVD fanfic: Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now