S.1 E.4 ~ FMZ (Ch. 22)

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\\ So, I don't know what happened, but I pre-write all of this on my phone. Then, I transfer to Q, where I then move it to here, Wattpad. I guess it got deleted? I don't know, but I messed up and I'm pretty sure you'll know where.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to rewrite it //

"No, not me, sister. I'm special."

"Yeah, a special kind of stupid." I snickered at my own insult towards the infected human.

Surprisingly, a snort came from the male opposite of Doc and I. My eyes went as wide as a doe in headlights, staring at 10K, the person who never laughs at me. Let alone snort.

"You liked that?" I asked shocked.

The quiet boy rolled his eyes in response.

"Talking to you makes me wonder about this whole saving humanity thing." Doc joked, being the only one that could joke with Murphy and not get something rude shot back.

"Stop the car!" I shouted, catching the sight of our stolen truck. Again.

* Two Hours Later *

"Where are we heading, again?" I asked, looking at the two love birds that were pressed against one another as they leaned against the right side of the truck.

After we had found the truck, we didn't spot the family. Just blood stains. They must've died a violent death, that's for sure. Now, we're heading to wherever this Z guy told us to go.

"Citizen Z is leading us to a EHIC, Emergency Headquarters for Infection Control." Addy informed me with a warm smile.

Nodding my head, I leaned back against the window's truck. I'm so tired that I think I could sleep through the whole apocalypse.

After about a good thirty minutes of everyone taking in the view and enjoying the moment of peace, the truck started to come to a slow and steady stop. In my view, there were just trees. Trees and corpses that poked out from ruined vehicles.

Blood was stained on the green grass, permanently burning itself into the silver or light brown coloring of the cars and trucks. Some of the dead were laying on the ground, others were on top of the vehicles with steam coming from their bodies.

This didn't happen too long ago. The fence that made a failed attempt to keep the dead back was almost lowered to the ground as bodies were piled on top of it. Steam still fogged over their stuff corpses, polluting the air with the stench of the dead.

The top of my lip twitched in disgust at the--what should be--familiar scent. God, I wish you'd taken my smell away during the apocalypse. With the help of Mack, I stepped down from off of the bedding.

No matter what, though, the shotgun was taped into my hands, ready to fire when it was called for. Warren and Charlie led us through the valley of corpses piled on top of broken down vehicles or ruined grass; they led us all the way up to the almost clean cemented steps of the damaged structure.

What happened to this place, I wonder. Someone hide their bite? Someone die and didn't get shot in time? Behind the two leaders was Murphy and Cassandra. Behind the two frenemies was Doc and Addy.

Finally, there was 10K and Mack with me behind the two taller males. Mack tries to make sure I'm the very last one seen unless it's with friends or someone that doesn't seem hostile. He says I'm safer, but I'm not if there's a horde f--.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" Someone shouted as if they were a knight in shining armor, protecting the gates of the kingdom.

"Sergeant Charles Garnett, National Guard. This is Lieutenant Roberta Warren, --"

The guy interrupted my father figure with the automatic now pointed in between his eyes, "State your business."

The soldier seemed to be addicted to drugs, or maybe he was the drug dealer, by the way he was shaking. Yet, the soldier in him still had a firm grip on the barrel and ready trigger finger. His eyes screamed 'not sane', but they didn't look insane either.

Something in between. Somewhat like Murphy.

"--National guard. We're on a high priority mission to get this man to a CDC lab in California. We were sent here by an Intell Officer from the NSA to see General McCandles. We need his help finding transpo. We were told he has a helicopter."

As the gun rotated around to focus on every single person in my team, we all held firmer grips on our chosen weapon. On call, we wouldn't hesitate to shoot nine holes into this man. Soldier or not.

"Yeah, he's got a chopper, but General McCandles is a very busy man. He's got the entire East Coast under his command. He can't worry about some raggedy ass group of civilians on a suicide mission. I suggest you move on before the infected find you."

Soldier Boy started to lower his gun just a bit. Mistake number two. Mistake number one was insulting everyone. McCandles has more time in the apocalypse than he did before this mess. Time shouldn't be an issue.

"Nothing 'raggedy ass' about this group of civilians, sir, and this man has important information about a vaccine for the zombie virus." Warren, of course, had to put her two-sense in the conversation.

It's just her nature; protect, defend, and make sure respect is given to the one's she loves. That's just Roberta Warren.

|| "Yeah, a special kind of stupid." ||

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