IX • Wrong Number

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If you haven't noticed yet, this story is mostly going to be about Millie's side rather than Finn's because this is how the actual movie portrays the characters and this story is mostly centred around Millie and her feelings throughout all of this unless it's important for the storyline to include Finn's or any other character's side or part in the story.


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Millie made her way down the sidewalk, her earbuds plugged into her cell phone as she purposely made an attempt to step over and avoid the cracks and lines in the concrete sidewalk below her feet. After spending the day with her friends, she wanted nothing more than to curl up under her covers with her bedroom lights dimmed low and her bedroom tv playing any classic/original Disney Channel movie. That was her idea of a perfect evening: alone with food and a tv, no one to bother her.

Her hangover headache had luckily faded throughout the day, allowing for Millie to actually feel content and relaxed with her friends during their day of Starbucks, shopping and gossip. The surprising calmness and coolness of this evening in California was pleasant and enjoyable to Millie, easily allowing for her to enjoy her music without the constant interruption of cars and talking ruining the moment. She continued to walk, stopping at an intersection and waiting for traffic to stop so she could cross.

She hummed along softly to her music, not noticing the guy who stood next to her and was glancing in her direction. She crossed the street and made her way down the sidewalk. "Excuse me?" Someone asked, tapping Millie on the shoulder.

Millie stopped and took out her earbuds, turning around to look at the stranger. "Yes?"

"You look oddly familiar, miss," Jack Grazer said, a grin on his face.

Millie blinked. "Um, I don't think I know. Sorry you must be mistaking me for someone else." She turned to walk away but stopped, turning back at the stranger's voice.

"My name is Jack Grazer," he stepped in front of Millie, "and like I was saying, you look familiar."

"Oh I'm pretty sure I would remember if I've met you before," Millie replied, beginning to walk again.

"Well, last I checked, you were the girl in the photo with him." Jack smirked. "So you haven't been hanging out with Finn Wolfhard then darling?"

Millie stopped in her tracks. "How could you possibly know about that?"

Jack shrugged. "He's a friend of mine. And I stole his phone to bug him and then I saw a picture of him and some girl who I have never seen before, until now." He smirked, "And damn you look even better in real life."

She mentally cursed herself for agreeing to take a photo with Finn the night he had stayed over at her house. Millie laughed dryly. "Bye creep." She made her way down the sidewalk, slightly speeding up her pace.

"Mind telling me your name?" Jack called, beginning to walk off in the opposite direction.

With her back turned, she replied smoothly, "My name is 'Fuck-Off-Before-I-Slap-That-Pretty-Face-of-Yours'."

Jack laughed and walked off, disappearing around a corner. Meanwhile, Millie began to listen to her music again, making her way home and inside. She briefly greeted her parents and siblings before going into her bedroom and locking the door. She dropped her things onto the floor and changed out of her tight jeans and top, putting on sweatpants and a shirt. Millie crawled into bed and began to flip through recorded movies and channels on her tv which rested on her dresser.

Her eyes slowly fell from the screen to the actual dresser itself. After thinking for a moment, she crawled out of bed and pulled out the dark hoodie Finn had let her "steal" from his house. She slowly slipped it on, inhaling the faint, lingering scent of his cologne. Finn had let her keep the hoodie, so why not wear it.

Millie crawled back into bed, the hoodie feeling like another warm blanket around her body. She began to watch a movie, sighing contently and snuggling into her covers. Her soft, relaxing silence was eventually interrupted by the ever so annoying sound of her ringing cellphone. She groaned in annoyance and grabbed the device from her nightstand.

No caller ID. Millie frowned and proceeded to answer the call anyways. "Hello?"

"Hey princess, how was your day?"

Millie nearly gasped, instantly recognizing the voice. "I'm sorry I don't know who this is." She rubbed her eyes, trying to figure out how Finn Fucking Wolfhard had gotten her number.

"Oh I'm sure this is the right number, baby." Finn grinned, running a hand through his curls. "I'm sure you're curled up in bed right now, watching a PVR recording and ignoring me on purpose. Oh you're probably wearing the hoodie you stole from me. And before you ask, no, I am not spying on you; it's just a guess."

She could literally hear the smirk in his voice. "...Wrong number." She replied in a calm and slightly stern voice.

"Nice try sweetheart." Finn laughed. "I can just show up at your house and come talk to you if that's what you want."

Millie sighed, "No please do not show up at my house. My parents, specifically my father, will murder you."

"Aw does someone care if I die or not?" Finn teased, a smile plastered on his face.

Millie scoffed, "No; it's more like my friend Sadie would lose her shit if you died and I don't want to deal with that." She paused her movie and closed her eyes. "Now tell me, how did you get my number anyways?"

"Well before I gave you back your phone, I unlocked it and copied down your number, simple. You need to come up with a better password than 000011."

"Well okay then." She rolled her eyes and sighed, rubbing her temples. "So is there a reason why you're calling me? I have better things to do right now."

"Better things like watching your PVR recordings?"

"...Maybe." Millie giggled, smiling and laying back on her bed.

"I'm not surprised." Finn laughed, grabbing a bottle of water from his fridge. "Okay so the main reason why I called was because I wanted to know if you wanted to go to a nightclub on Friday. I'm bored and I have nothing better to do; plus I remember how you were saying you wanted to make your life more interesting. So come hang out with me on Friday."

Millie thought for a moment "None of your friends want to go out with you, that's why you're asking me, right?"

"...Possibly," Finn muttered, earning a giggle from Millie. "But come have some fun with me. Come on, please."

"Wow, Finn Wolfhard said 'please'," Millie laughed. Before she could realize what was happening, she said, "But okay fine, I'll go with you. I'm going to end up watching all of my PVR recordings by then anyways."

Her answer sent them both into laughter. "I'll see you soon princess. Have fun at school. Bye."

"Don't remind me about that, please." Millie smiled, and hung up the call, setting her phone down.

"Wait," Millie thought out loud. "Did I just agree to go to a nightclub with Finn Wolfhard?" She shook her head. "Okay I need to sleep, I have to be sleep deprived to agree to something like this..."


So Finn convinced Millie to go to a nightclub with him? Oof this is gonna be fun

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