Chapter 40

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I look at my reflection one last time in the mirror and took note of this day. This day, I will be known as Grace Jung. This day, everything will change. This ceremony is a silent go signal for the war to begin. That we're going to fight back now. I will be in his level and I will make sure I will not fail in the biggest mission of my entire career.

"You ready?" Jimin asked.

"I am," I answered him with a smile.

"Remember to still be alert," he reminded me.

I smiled at him.

"I will Mr. Park," I kidded making his eye smile appear.

How can I bicker around here?

Then a frown takes over my face again.

Jimin's hand lifted my chin.

"Jungkook will be so proud," he smiled making my eyes water.

I just nodded at that and without a warning, Jimin kissed ny cheek softly.

"Come on Ms. Jung, you'll be late for your party," he smiled again.

It's wierd to see him smile a lot now. Back when I was still workinh for him, he was the one who frowns a lot.

I shake the distracting thought aside and followed him out the hotel room.


"Mr. Jung Hoseok is now stepping down from his position from the powerful Holy Triad. People are skeptical and worried about his sudden announcement. They fear that the balance might break of the spot is left empty," I heard one reporter speak infront of the camera.

Me and Jimin will be walking through the red carpet and act as if he was just casually invited to this ceremony. Everyone are dressed to impress tonight and even though I'm wearing the most expensive dress Hoseok can afford, I still feel empty inside.

I miss Jungkook so much.

"You'll be fine babe, just smile," Jimin whispered to my ear as we walk down the carpet.


"Mr. Park, what can you say about Mr. Jung stepping down?" a reporter asked him.

He just flashed his charismatic smile making the reporter flustered.

"Whatever happens, I know he's doing that for a good reason," he answered.

The reporter wasn't able to comprehend Jimin's answer, she was turning beet red I had to squeeze Jimin's hand to stop whatever he's doing.

"Yah, you might kill her," I whispered to him making him chuckle.

His eyes forming two crescents.

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