Chapter 50

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Hea's POV

Images have been flooding my mind recently. I am sure those are fragments of my memories. I don't even know how I got here.

I didn't even know I can drive now.

I am here in a place where the most vivid images I'm seing is.

I stared up in the sky as the wind enters the fabric of my shirt here in the rooftop of this building.

I know I shouldn't be entering since yellow tapes are all around.

Why am I getting shivers here?

I can still see dried blood all over the floor and it's making my stomach churn.

"Stay away Park Jimin or I will kill her,"

Now I'm starting to hear a familiar voice.

I looked to where I can imagine that voice is coming from and it's leading me to the edge of the building.

I walked slowly and stared at the scene below. Dried blood is everwhere down there.

As if cold water is poured unto me, my memories came rushing back into my head.


Everything that happened.

Me and Jimin. That night we spent together.

Everything they told me were right but the part where Taehyung is dead was left out.

And this is the reason why.

He died.

We both fell right here.

I feel like my heart is being broken all over again.



My head starts to hurt and all I want to do is to run and escape everything here.

I ran down the stairs and got into my my car. I'm sobbing again and I feel like I am missing everything and everyone again.


My sweet Taehyung

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