Chapter 42: All Talk

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Jason had to departure early this morning for practice, but he'll be back tonight. He had to declaw himself from my hold, because I really didn't want him to leave. Poor Axel, didn't get to say bye. I wonder if he's confused. Wondering why Jason comes home some days, then is gone for long periods of time.

Why Jason stays the night. I wonder if he wonders where Jason sleeps. Does he know he sleeps with me? Or does he think he leaves? I don't even know if I want to know. Good ole Monday. Axel was shipped off to school this morning after I packed his lunch for him. Hopefully he won't end up like I did.

A bit of a loner, I was severely introverted. I didn't like to eat lunch at school, everyone looking, judging you. I didn't have many friends, so it really sucked.

I signed Axel up for baseball this year, so I'm excited to watch him play. I want him to try everything, basketball, volleyball, football, wrestling, soccer, lacrosse, cross country.

I'd like him to test the waters, have more of an opportunity than I ever had. I signed him up for football too, which is coming up fast.
Practice starts this Saturday at one o'clock. Hopefully he likes it, and won't get injured.

He's played both of these sports since last year. If he wants to continue I'll let him, but I also want him to dabble in something different. I'm going to ask Jason if he'll come to some of Axel's games. Maybe even give him some pointers since he played through out school.

Starting the day off right, I grab a shower. I'm going to job search. I can't keep sitting around the house. It's driving me insane. It's cause me to feel useless, like I'm not important. I like to stay busy, makes the days go faster, until I can see Axel, and Jason again.

Out of the shower, I pop open Jason's laptop. Thank god he's already logged in because I don't know the password. An enormous picture of me, owns his background.

Smiling sweetly, my eyes are closed and I'm smelling a beautiful flower, in which I'm not too sure of the name. I had no idea he took a picture, but it looks professional.

I scour the inter webs, searching for any dental job available. All are two hours away from my current location. After about the tenth attempt, I give up, for now. My stomach screams to be fed. It is already lunch time.

Just as I'm about to go scan the fridge, my phone dings. I walk over to the kitchen counter, where it lays plugged in to charge. I pull the plug and see what's up.

Jason: Look out your window.

All of my weight on my right leg, shifting back and forth, what is he getting at?

Me: Which one?

The phone dings immediately.

Jason: Smart ass. The living room window.

Taking my phone along, we travel to the appropriate window. I look out and see...nothing. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Jason: What do you see?

Me: Grass, a white fence, earth, you know, life.

Jason: Look to your right baby. God you make everything so hard.

I bite my lip, a fit of laughter escapes me because I feel giddy.

Me: Including you? ;)

Jason: Especially me. Now look to your right!

I fully open the blinds and curtains, doing as told, I look over and see a car sitting in my driveway. Looks like a brand new Toyota. An extremely dark gray, masculine and sexy as hell, the bumper is black. Sharp car, but not for me.

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