Chapter 79

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??? POV

I walked into the station and I looked around. The place was vacant. It was exactly what I needed. I walked back to the cells. Nobody was in them. I wanted to make sure that the place was empty. I then went downstairs into the file room. I looked at all of the shelves and all of the labels. 

"Come's gotta be here somewhere," I muttered to myself. I soon came across what I was looking for. It was the files I needed. I grabbed his first. Then I went to find the rest of the gangs files. I found each one I needed. I sat down and laid out the most important one first. I scanned through them.

Subject: (Y/n) (L/n)

Records: No criminal records. 

Description: Age - 26 years old // Height - 5' 7" // Features - (H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, (s/c) skin 

Officer Overlook: Joined at age 19, was very dedicated to her work and had a fighting spirit to do what she thought was right. Served for 7 years.

Current Status: Died in the field.

I stared at the last part for a bit. I sighed and closed it up. I pushed it aside and moved onto the next. I opened it and I smiled at the picture that was there.

Subject: Connor Anderson (RK800 Detective)

Records: No criminal records.

Description: Model age - 4 months // Design age - 30 years old // Height - 6' 0" // Features: Brown hair, brown eyes, light skin

Officer Overlook: Was sent by Cyberlife to help hunt deviants, joined the revolution, is still a dedicated officer to date.

Current Status: Detective partner to Hank Anderson.

I closed his files and moved on to the next file. This one I knew would be interesting because I didn't know much about the next one. I opened it up and scanned through it again.

Subject: Gavin Reed

Records: A few speeding tickets, a few fines, was involved in self-defense against a family member.

Description: Age - 32 // Height - 5'9" // Features: Brown hair, grey eyes, light skin

Officer Overlook: Joined after the family tragedy, still has issues working with others, isn't pleasant to fellow officers but did form a bond with Lieutenant (Y/n) (L/n), refuses to work with assigned partners.

Current Status: Is a stubborn officer, but still does good work.

I became curious about this man. I had only talked to him once, yet he didn't seem so aggressive as the report made him seem. He must've really cared about (Y/n). I also wondered what had happened with his family that pushed him to self-defense. I pushed it aside for the time being. I didn't have to look at Hank's file. I knew a lot about him already. I took the last file and I opened it quickly. I wanted to know more about this one. 

Subject: Collin (RK900 Detective)

Records: No criminal records

Description: Age - unknown // Height - 6' 4" // Features: Brown hair, blue eyes, light skin

Officer Overlook: Not much to go off of yet, but has done great work over the time he has been working at the station. He is mainly neutral and keeps a straight face. 

Current Status: Detective partner to Gavin Reed

I wasn't happy about that. I wanted to know more about him. I hadn't heard anything about this from the sources I had. It was very...strange. I had connections and he came out of the blue. I shut the file angrily and huffed, trying to calm myself down. What did I expect? He's only been here for a few weeks. I even told myself not to get too excited. I put the files away and began to leave. As I was leaving, I heard a voice behind me.

"A bit late to be here, isn't it?" I froze. "I wouldn't move if I were you either." I knew that voice...and I knew how to handle him too. 

"You're here pretty late too."

"I came to stop you! What are you doing!? You're gonna expose us and get us killed!" I whipped around.

"I'm not arguing about this again with you!"

"Is somebody there?" We both froze and ran to hide. I saw the man walk down the stairs. Fowler. I held up my finger to my other surprise visitor and we both stayed hidden under the table, not making a sound. He left after a bit and I sighed in relief.

"Great, now we have to sneak out!" I whisper yelled at him.

"You would've been caught if I hadn't delayed you!" He argued.

"Just come on!" We both hurried out without getting caught and rushed home.

"Next time...tell me when you're going on some crazy mission! You don't have to hide this from me!"

"I was only trying to keep you out of the mess I started." 

"Well, you don't have to." He hugged me. "We're in this together and we're going to figure this out. Besides, face it, you need me." I sighed and smiled at him.

"I know. Come on, let's go. The others will notice if we aren't back soon." 

"Yeah, the last thing we need is them finding out about all of this. The information would leak fast then."

"No kidding." I agreed and we kept going, hurrying to get back before we were missed.

(Sorry the chapter is short, but I wanted this to be it's own thing. And yes, I did chose the height. It just makes things easier for me. Anyway, this is Spiritwing howling a goodbye for this chapter! Author AHWOOOOOT!)

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