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"I know this neighborhood

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"I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot. And behind that diner,"

Peggy couldn't help the little smile that crossed her face as she watched Steve out of the corner of her eye form their places in the back of the vehicle.

Steve couldn't help but smile a little at the idea of being back in Brooklyn. He was home, and he'd be leaving here a new person. The thought that Lottie was waiting for him at this underground facility never left his mind, though.

"Did you have something against running away?"

"You start running they'll never let you stop. You stand up, push back. Can't say no forever, right? Gotta live boldly."

Peggy smiled at the familiar line that she had heard Lottie mutter so many times.

"I know a little of what that's like. To have every door shut in your face,"

"I guess I just don't why you'd wanna join the army if you're a beautiful dame. Or a beautiful... a woman. An agent, not a dame! You are beautiful, but..."

Peggy laughed, and Steve let himself smile a little bit.

"You still really don't know how to talk to bloody women do you? Even after all this time?"

"Longest conversation I've ever had with one has been Lottie, and even she's not lining up to dance with a guy like me,"

"I bet she would if you asked," Steve looked over at Peggy, noticing the smirk on her lips. It was the same one Doctor Erksine gave him when they had this discussion. "You must've danced though, yes?"

"Waiting for the right partner," Steve mumbled loud enough for Peggy to hear as he went back to looking out the window. Peggy couldn't contain her eye roll. Steve and Lottie were even using the same line now.

Once the car was parked beside their destination, Steve followed Peggy out of the car and into the old antique shop. He wanted to question the entire situation, but he decided to just keep quiet and follow along behind Peggy.

"Wonderful weather we're having," Peggy and Steve were greeted by the owner of the store, who stood behind the counter. Peggy smiled at her, looking around the room.

"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella,"

The woman gave the nod to Peggy, and Steve was quickly following the agent into the backroom. The walls opened before them, revealing them to a long hallway that was decorated with the SSR seal.

Steve swallowed the lump in his throat as he followed along behind Peggy. Once they entered the room, the doors flying open to announce their arrival, all eyes were on them.

"Good morning," Doctor Erksine greeted Steve, shaking hands with him. Steve nodded along silently, still trying to take in what was happening around him. "Take off your shirt, your tie and your hat."

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