chapter 6

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Break time!  I went down to the cafeteria to eat a quick bite.  Hmm one of those and that.  I turned and bumped into someone I knew the scent.  Me" what are you doing here? ".  S" i thought I'd come have dinner with you since you keep blowing me off ".  Me" I'm not blowing you off I'm working a lot "  Shannon looked around to see how busy I was.  Doctors and nurses roamed in and out of the food venues to eat and quickly get back to work again.  I paid for my food and he followed me to a table in the back.  Me" why do you keep chasing me? ".  He choked on his bite.  S" I don't chase anyone, I was just trying to be nice and your the one who keeps leaving your stuff for me to find so...... I think you want me to chase you ".   Me" I never said I minded it ". He winked at me.  S" so your still busy on Friday? ".   I glanced up at him and said " yep, well actually I'm doing 24 hours straight so its a definite no I can't go ".   He reached for my hand and kisses it to his lips. Me" Mr romantic ".  S" I can show you how romantic I can be if you gave me a chance ".    Here we go.   Me" you can have any other girl shannon".   S" I am here with you so that should tell you who I want huh".  He smiled and drank his coffee and took a piece off his chocolate chip muffin.  Me" what time do you have to go ".    He leaned in closer to me and his eyes pierced into my soul.  S" whenever you want me to go ".    His hand touched my face and I closed my eyes.  His hands felt warm and cradled my face so easily.  S" why did you close your eyes ".  I opened them up and looked at him.  Me" your hand just.,......".  I was stopped dead in my tracks by  the way he was staring at me. I couldn't think or move.  Like he had me paralized.   S" just what? ".   Me " I should get back to work ".   I stood up and pushed in my chair.  The second I was by his, he stood up and grabbed my arm and held my back against his chest. S" tell me why your really leaving?".  His fingers pushed my hair aside and he leaned down to my neck. Oh fuck! His breath all over my exposed skin sent chills down my spine. Me" I......I..,. Um.".   S" I make you nervous don't I? ".  Me" may......maybe ".  I felt his soft plump lips touch my neck with one swift kiss and my body erupted in flames.  S" I will see you again......I love how you taste on my lips". As he left, his hand drifted over my arm and he glanced back at me. I watched him go, just standing there. Breathless. Wanting more.

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