Chapter 1~ Rosaline

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(The story is in Storybrooke after the Rumbelle wedding (a few weeks have passed)

The Library

"Rumple?" Belle had seen the eagerness in Gold's face and was curious as to its purpose.

"Belle! Are you busy? I don't mean to interrupt anything if you are.." Belle shook her head. "Well in that case how about we go for a walk? There's a place I want you to see. "

Rumple took his beloved wife's arm after she'd locked up the library and ushered her into their car. They drove past the many large evergreens until Gold came to a stop.

"Here my dear." As they began the trek to "the spot" there was an unease in the air. Partly due to the dropping temperatures but something more. Something that could change life or just be shrugged off without a second glance.

The two lovers were nearly arrived at their destination when a voice rang out above the naturous setting.

"GET DOWN!" An arrow sailed and embedded itself into a tree quite near the Golds' heads.

A young almost-woman age girl sprang out from the forest behind them.

Belle's PoV

My first impression of this girl was that she definitely appeared to be from the Enchanted Forest. Her clothing didn't match this world at all.

Then there was the weapons she wielded. A sword, a bow, and a quiver full of unshot arrows. Who was this girl? Where did she come from?

Rumple's PoV

After Belle and I had hit the ground this strange girl appeared. She could be dangerous but she'd warned us about the arrow flying at us. And all I wanted was to have a nice outing with Belle. Look where that's got us.

Third~ Rosaline

The newcomer had successfully warned the quite oblivious pair. Villagers...

As she looked around for whom the arrow had come from another began to sail. To this she pulled out her sword, separated the arrow into two and it landed on the cool ground at her feet. Now that's how you do this.

"It's alright for a few moments." She handed the woman a sword.

"Belle. And thank you for what you just did. It was quite the impressive feat."

"Never had to thank me. And you sir? If I may ask?"

Rumple did as he always introduced himself in the homeland. With a flair.

"Rumplestiltskin. And your name dearie?"

"Rosaline. Like the rose but with a little flair." She smiled at this. "Which matter of defense do you prefer? Sword or bow?"

"Magic my dear. It's kind of a habit."

"Whatever you feel you can handle. And you, Belle? How are you holding up with that sword?"

"Oh its wonderful to be able to actually...fend for myself." Gold looked at her in understanding.

"Well lets see how well you can defend yourselves now."

The woods stirred and a small group of bandits had come out of the treeline. Hearts quickening the trio prepared for a fight.


Hey guys thanks for reading. I hope that you'll vote and comment what you

A) want to see (I have a plan but I could add some touches) B) what you like C) what you don't like D) how often should I update and E) how you're liking the story and any other things not mentioned above

Thank you lovelies! Hope to have you reading again soon!

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