Chapter 26~Torturing Minds

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The night of the abduction.

Once the bandit had knocked the young woman out, right before he'd smashed that strange device, the owner of the voice he'd used to kidnap her showed up. Eyes widening at the sight of her.

" for my reward..." The device was smashed. The man walked over to her body, kissing her.

"I feel much better now that I don't have your voice in my throat." The bandit now spoke on his own.

"They'll recognize my voice, which enacts more of what he wants."

Belle's PoV

What'd happened to Rosaline? Who had been inside our house? Chip was here, in my arms, but my daughter...

And that man's voice, it sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. I've heard it before but where!? He'd spoken in a strange manner, referencing things as if he'd only now shown up...I'm quite  confused, and terrified for my daughter.

Rumple was driving like I'd never seen. He was seething, if anyone was there he probably wouldn't allow them to speak.


"Belle. Please don't. I'm on edge and I don't want to say anything I'll regret later.." Chip began to whimper.

Rumple's PoV

A few days later...

There'd been a message. A message from someone I'd thought dead. My father. He'd taken her..what did he want now?

The note read;

   Magic. Only way you'll see her until you agree to my terms. I'm ready to play. Are you?


There were no terms....

Oh I'll kill you again don't mess with the Dark...Rumplestiltskin and get away with it. Anger welled up inside me, if he shows his face here I'll-

"Rumple!" Belle had entered my office. "What's that? Is it Rosaline? Is she alright?"

"It's about her. She's safe for now."

"About? Who has her?"

"Someone I thought dead."

Chip cried from upstairs.

"I should..." She went to the door.

"Belle..You relax for a moment..I'll look after him." I needed something to take my mind off Peter Pan.


Belle's PoV

I felt so powerless, my daughter in the hands of whoever's voice it was..and that of whom Rumple was upset by..the voice kept me up at night...

I gave up and played it once more..

Rosaline's PoV

Terrible images of my family were all I saw. Belle and Rumple...tortured..

"Peter leave them alone!"

"Daddy has to agree first..then we'll see who makes the deals.."

Screams shot through my head. Stop please...

The torture had gone to whippings.

"NOOOO!!! Leave them be! Do what you want to me! Leave them! Let them go!!"

"I can't hear you..."

Chip began to cry. Don't you dare lay a hand on him.

"Let him go!!! Please!!" A blade slid across my infant brother's chest.Tears burned my face. "CHIP!!Mother!! Father!!" No...

"That's more like it..Now..if you would so nicely participate..." The chains tightened and pulled and burned..

"Gahhh!" Torture me...leave my family alone..let them live..

"They can't hear you..." Bandit laughed. The bindings became constricting.

"Ahhh!!" My family was about to be slit. The burns. The pain. All of it.

"NOO!" I pulled against the hindrances. More pain ensued. I could see nothing more than tears blotting my vision. My body was becoming physically exhausted.

"I think that'll be a good enough for today.." The bandit took hold of me. "Make sure our little puppet..has a drink.."


Buckets of cold water drenched me. I barely breathed between soakings. Practically drowning although I was no where near a body of water.


I awoke freezing. My head was still damp. The bed was drenched. Mud formed a puddle below me.

Were they okay? I needed them to go on. They had Chip now and had been happy before I came into their lives. They could go on as if I had never been there. Because of me they were to be tortured?  I wasn't worth that to them surely..

Gaston's PoV

I'd never had a chance with Belle, that beast took her from I had the next best thing, her daughter. She looked nearly exact to her mother, although now was more..restrained..

I could do what I pleased with her. That was my gain from all of this. I'd have her..

Pan's PoV

What made this game I'd created of such great amusement is that I didn't want anything Rumplestiltskin could fork over immediately in return for his child. After all being Peter Pan playing fair isn't my strong suit.

He'd get his battered wench of a daughter back, then I'd get what I really wanted.

In the meantime, I let that lust-filled man do what he pleased with that girl. He knew the limits I'd set for him however. As long as she was in my land he would have to abide by them.

She was a woman although compared to my age nothing but a youngster. Their ages; however, were comparable enough, it wasn't as though her parents knew much of similar ages in a relationship.

Sure she'd fought many of my henchmen's forms, but you can't fight something once it's taken over you...especially the delicious tinge of insanity and doubt...

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