Chapter 28-Desires & I Can't Recall..

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(I just had to update again!)

(Quick heads-up. If you're uncomfortable with non-consensual sex, and would prefer not to read it please skip to the recap. I've only put this in here as it's important to what happens later on)

Gaston's PoV

Alone..with her..

Pan was finally away for the evening. I could do more with that..virtuous maid..things I'd desired from her for so long..

As I slipped into the tent where she was held..her delicious scent filled the space..I'd caught her bathing earlier, I knew what lay under the sheet and dress..soon to belong to me...

Her breathing was steady as it could be, as she'd been knocked out again. I began to slightly pant, you will be mine Rosaline.

I withdrew the sheet, leaving only her dress in my way. It was only a small matter, one to give a slight adventure.

My hands made their own path along her, the skirt of the dress moved out of my way, albeit forcefully. It had torn up the skirt. Sliding off my trousers I moved closer to her yet, moving her legs so they were on top around me, as I kissed up her chest to her lips....she'd become mine. She was my world..this..this was better than what the old flame could've done with me..

"Rosaline..." I whispered into her.."You're mine..I've taken yours.."

(quick recap from last chapter)

Rosaline's PoV

Months later...

"Where are you taking me now? Somewhere to actually end me? Or are you too afraid of Rumplestiltskin? You call him a coward but look at you. He'll face who he must, you use me against him."

I was lurched forward. Tripping over my own feet on the forest floor. Clumsy but not completely downed.

"Shut up you. You're nothing but a servant. A wench that can get us what we want. So I would suggest shutting up every once in awhile." Damn you bandit...

"And if I don't?" Have them tell me everything. Learn their plans.

"We have our ways of making sure you do."

Being thrown down once more was not a pleasant experience. Especially into a small pond where the freezing water pierces your mind. More torture...

Pan stood there. Watching to see how much he could get from me. Not much you aren't worth anything near my aren't my family...

"Your name?" What? He already knew that.

"Rosaline.." He nodded. And with that nod I went under.

The water screamed inside my head. Deluded my thoughts as if they were grains of salt dissolving into nothing..I came back up.

"Who are your parents?" Answer and question were repeatedly asked and told. More and more almost-drownings. More delusions..

I was more drenched than ever before. Colder than if I'd just been in a blizzard. I was becoming blue and almost transparent.

"Now my dear girl. What's your name?"

"I-I don't know...Who...Who are you?" This boy...who..was he? Why was I so cold? Where was I?

Pan's PoV

I'd sent the girl back to her tent. Which she'd also soon forget. This last form of torment would deal more inflictions than any other. But not to her...To my now grown son, and his young wife.

My other right hand man came to me.

"So she goes tomorrow? Shall the message be delivered?"

"Absolutely. Time to see quite the reunion. She'll have not an inkling of whom they were. What she did for them. Tragic..but quite enjoyable..."

He nodded and left.

Good. I'll finally have Rumple's other wench returned only to torment him more..more with every confused look and question. All the bonds broken. Every idea she'd spoken of, sent so far back into her mind that it would take so much more to bring it to the surface.

This...this would be worse than watching the horrible things, he wouldn't be able to close the portal. He couldn't just bring back all of the good times.. only him and Belle would know.

She wouldn't know of a true love until she was back...though I knew where and whom he was every moment of her life..I've only enhanced the manner of their meeting...I knew of Gaston's obsession with her..that would be quite the entertainment...

Sure eventually I knew some way the bloody Charming's and Gold's and this entire family would somehow bring her back those memories. But until they did or I grew bored, my game of torment would continue..


I walked into Rosaline's tent. She only sat and stared. Fear wasn't there. Her dress being ripped and tattered as it was didn't bother her either.

"Hello my dear. Did you enjoy your trip this morning..uh..Your name my sweet maid?"

"I..don't know.." Good..

"I'm sure you'll recall soon enough."

The night had passed by, quite uneventful in its own time, but this new day would be so much more.

There'd been a consequence to using that water, every time she forgot, I would make her remember..but nothing of a true where she'd never been taken in, no relations were of her true family..

The message had been delivered for my son and his wife to walk through the forest and be reunited with their loving daughter. But when you play with Pan there's always a catch.

So Rosaline had been decidedly placed. They would have to merge off the path, but what fun is a challenge if there's not a challenge?

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