Chapter 25~ New Neverland

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(First off sorry for that weird update. I'm on mobile and I was deleting a part and I clicked publish. This is the true chapter)

Rosaline's PoV

I had been abducted by Peter Pan...what did he want from me. More importantly Rumple?

"Boss. He's found our little deal. He hasn't replied yet. But I'm sure he will..He just needs a little more convincing..."

His right hand man, from what I could tell seemed sinister. He looked familiar although I couldn't place him. He must've seen my confusion because he spoke to me.

"Don't remember me...little girl?"

I knew it then. It was him..the other bandit..

"Now I do..What have you done to my family?"

"Oh it's not what we'll directly do to them. That's all on you darlin'. You're our little puppet."

"You'd better leave them whatever you want to leave them alone!!"

"We plan on it."

I struggled to attack this teenager. The shackles became tighter every time I tried to use magic against them. Damn this all...they'd already thought of my magic...and gave me a consequence for price of magic....

"Such bravery..too bad it won't last very much longer.."

"Once I'm out of these shackles you'll get yours.."

"Well until then.." A sprinkle of poppy knocked me out.

I awoke in a cave, restrained, surrounded by Peter, Gaston and the horrible bandit that I despised..they're going to torture my family...because of me they're to be harmed..I've let them down...put them in harms way..I'm responsible for all of this..I failed them..

"Now...time to let them hear you scream..scream for help...for mercy..for them..I want to hear the screams in my nightmares!!"


Sorry for super short chapter! I want to be able to update more so you guys aren't on edge forever! So more updates today!

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