Chapter Three

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Olivia felt like her heart was going to beat straight out of her chest and land on the hardwood floor of her parents' front entrance.

"I didn't expect for you to become a person that sinned as your parents did, so us taking you made no difference whatsoever," Stella yelled.

"I love Lou! You know that I do! And you... you were the one who called me after I lost the baby and told me that it wasn't meant to be. But now... now when I come here to talk to you about a girl that was kidnapped you also tell me that my girlfriend and I are sinners like my parents?!"

"We are your parents!" Stella boomed, but Olivia just shook her head. She took her handcuffs from her pocket and walked over to her mother before quickly handcuffing her.

"No, you aren't anymore. Stella Meyers, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Olivia Houston..."


Olivia called her boss and asked for him to send another detective to Albany to arrest her father. Or who had been her father for so many years. Olivia was in tears as she stood outside of her father's office and waited for the new detective to show up. Then she was going back to Manhattan and straight to the courthouse to see Lou. She knew she needed her girlfriend right now to help ease her worried and completely and utterly confused mind and heart.

"Detective Meyers?" A man spoke, and Olivia turned and saw a Detective from another precinct standing in front of her.

"Yeah, that's me." Olivia breathed.

"I'm Detective Stabler, and I'm here to take your mother from your custody and to arrest your father."

"I can take her back to Manhattan..." Olivia trailed off, but the young detective shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Detective. It's against protocol for you to arrest your mother. So I'm here to rearrest her and read her her rights again. You can head back to Manhattan and we will be in contact once SVU can start to investigate this." He spoke, and Olivia shook her head.

"I have had this case for a little over two days. I found who kidnapped Olivia Houston... who kidnapped me..."

"You?" He asked, shocked.

"I'm Olivia Houston. I was kidnapped because Serena and Dwayne Houston don't have the same skin color. Then my mother is ashamed of me because she and my father took me for no reason because I ended up being a sinner myself." Olivia whispered. She couldn't believe that she told this random detective this all.

"Everyone is a sinner." He replied.

"But not everyone is gay, Detective and I am. I'm going to go back to Manhattan I guess..."


Olivia drove back to Manhattan without stopping at all. She pulled up to the courthouse and parked as close as she could before running towards the courthouse. She didn't even have to go in, because her girlfriend was walking down the stairs with one of the ADAs that she was shadowing.

"Lou!" Olivia cried, and Lou turned around and saw Olivia standing on the stairs as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Excuse me," Lou spoke, before quickly walking to Olivia.

"Can we go home right now?" Olivia asked, and Lou eyed her.

"What's wrong, baby? Please tell me so I don't have to guess." Lou spoke. She just wanted to get straight to the point so that Olivia didn't have to get everything bottled up instead of letting it go.

"You know that case I'm working on?"

"Yeah, the cold case from 27 years ago. Why?"

"Because I'm the baby." Olivia whimpered. Lou eyed her for a moment before shaking her head.

"You can't be. Your parents are dead." Lou replied.

"Stella and Jake kidnapped me. I just found out when I went to see my mother. She wrote a nasty letter to Serena and Dwayne after Olivia was taken."

"Oh, baby." Lou breathed, before drawing Olivia close. Olivia clung to her girlfriend as she sobbed loudly.

"This is all going to be okay. Just think about not having to wonder about who your parents are!"

"But what if-"

"No ifs, ands, or buts. Now, I'm going to take the rest of the day off so I can be with you. Let's go."


Lou and Olivia laid in bed once they got home, and Olivia continued to cling to her girlfriend. Lou caressed Olivia's hair as her breathing finally went back to normal.

"My mother said that when I lost the baby it was meant to be. And then today she said it was no use when she took me from my parents because I ended up being a sinner anyway because I decided to love how I wanted to love and I love you with my whole heart."

"They don't know what true love is because they faked their marriage completely. You and I... we don't care what other people think. And we will have that baby, lovey."

"I have to see what Captain Smith wants me to do. If he wants me to go back and tell the Houstons that I'm the daughter that was taken from her crib three days after she was born, or if I should just let him tell them. Or have Detective-" Olivia didn't finish her statement before her phone rang. She shifted away from Lou and grabbed her phone before answering it.

"Yes, Captain?" Olivia asked.

"So, I heard that you are baby Olivia Houston." He spoke, and Olivia bit her lip.

"Yeah, I am... what do you want me to do, Captain?"

"I want you to take Lou with you and go over and tell them. Tell it to them straight and make sure that it wasn't what you expected to happen... you know..."

"That I didn't expect to be looking for myself... yeah, I'll make sure they know." Olivia breathed. She hung up quietly before looking over at Lou. Lou was pushing her red locks up into a bun as Olivia eyed her.

"Yeah?" Lou mused.

"Wanna meet my parents?" Olivia asked, and Lou reached over and caressed Olivia's cheek and smiled.

"I said I'd take a bullet for you. I think I can meet another set of parents. Ones that aren't going to hate me because I don't have a dick."


They stood on the front steps of the Houston house again and rang the doorbell once again. But when the door opened, it was a completely different experience.

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