Chapter Fifty-Six

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Lou was shocked as she stood there and tried to digest what her wife had just said.

"You want me to leave? You are kicking me and the kids out of our house? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kicking the kids out, Louanne. I'm kicking you out because you think that everything is about you. That I'm nothing but some crazy person that can't do shit. So, you get out. I'll take care of the kids. You can feel as useless as I have for so many years." Olivia spoke. Lou shook her head, and as she did, Olivia took her wedding band off.

"Fine. Take the kids. Our house. All of my money. I'll just leave. This is exactly what you want. What you have always wanted." Olivia spoke. She shoved the ring into Lou's hand before moving quietly to their bedroom to gather her stuff.

"Is this the end?" Lou asked.

"I think so. So I'll grab my stuff and head out. I'm assuming that you want the kids, child support, and alimony?" Olivia questioned, and Lou shook her head as she fought off tears.

"I only want you," Lou whispered. She quietly walked to Olivia before hesitantly ran her hands over Olivia's waist.

"Lou, you have hurt me so much. You took me away from my children. You threw me out." Olivia whispered.

"Just give me another shot, Liv. Please. For the sake of our children."

"Nicole doesn't even know who I am!" Olivia laughed bitterly.

"She will. And if you need me too, I'll go. I'll go stay in a hotel and stay there until you want me home. There is plenty of milk in the freezer for Nicole and she'll get used to you in no time. Same with Mathias. He will love you as much as he did when I kicked you out." Lou spoke quickly.

"But you don't really want that, Lou. Just like you don't want me to have a baby so you don't have to go back to work. But if this relationship were to ever work out, you'd need to give more because you are taking from me to the point I'm going to break."

"Let me pack up. We can go to therapy. I'll look into therapist to help us. And we can get in contact with the kids. I think that Emma said they were in Arizona."

"Arizona?" Olivia breathed.

"Serena took them away. Just left late one night and I went to look for you I found Emma's note." Lou spoke quietly.

"It's better for them. They are so much better being away from. Uh, please go pack."

"Okay. But take your ring back." Lou spoke as she held out the gold ring.

Olivia took it hesitantly into her hand before sighing softly and slipping it back onto her finger.


Lou had been Olivia's other half for years. And it was the weirdest thing to have Lou moved out of the house and into a hotel. Olivia had to figure out what her children needed when they needed it, and she had to try and keep her head on straight. She had to keep taking her medicine while also attending therapy with Lou to save their marriage.

"Tell me how you met." Dr. Kar spoke, as she settled back in her chair and looked at Lou and Olivia.

"We met in middle school," Lou spoke, and Olivia sighed softly.

"We met in the library at school. I had run in there crying and Lou followed to check in on me. I think it was love at first sight, but Lou begs to differ."

"Please do not speak for your wife, Olivia. Now, is that how it really happened, Lou?" Dr. Kar asked, and Lou nodded.

"It was love at first sight for me too. It just took me longer to realize that then Olivia." Lou spoke. 

"And how long have you two been married?"

"A little over 2 years. We got married after our son was born." Lou spoke, and Olivia let out a bitter laugh.

"Olivia?" Dr. Kar questioned.

"It's been her son for the longest time because she was pregnant with him. I wasn't."

"Have you referred to Mathias as your son only, Lou?" Dr. Kar asked, and Lou nodded.

"I have. I have also said the same thing about Nicole. But it was when I was angry. Very angry." Lou spoke. Olivia bit her lip before running her hands through her hair.

"Olivia, how does that make you feel?" Dr. Kar questioned.

"She always uses the excuse that she is angry to make me feel worse. Like when she kicked me out the last time it was because I got arrested and didn't tell her right away. She had just given birth to Nicole and I didn't want to pull her out of bed and have her come and bail me out. I was just trying to protect her." 

"Lou, how did it make you feel that Olivia lied to you?" Dr. Kar asked, and Olivia spoke before Lou could.

"Excuse me, but I wasn't lying to her. I wasn't keeping anything from her because I told her. If I was lying to her, she would have never known." Olivia spoke.

"It made me feel horrible, Dr. Kar. Because my wife couldn't even trust me to be her lawyer. To get her out of this mess as cleanly as possible. But instead, she didn't tell me and waited until she was bailed out of jail to tell me." Lou huffed.

"I'm always the bad guy," Olivia mumbled under her breath.

"What did you say, Olivia?" Dr. Kar asked.

"I'm always the bad guy. Lou can do no wrong. It's always been that way, and I honestly think it will continue to be that way until you, Dr. Kar, can get your head out of your ass and realize that this isn't some fake ass thing that is happening. This is our life we are talking about, and you are taking Lou's side. And don't think that I didn't do research on you, Dr. Kar. I know that you have worked with Lou before." Olivia spat before standing and stomping out. Lou was quickly to move after her.

"Babe!" Lou exclaimed.

"You are tricking me into thinking that this is all my fault! Lou, you have to take responsibility for what you did. This just can't be about attacking me!" Olivia cried.

"You pick the therapist. We will go to therapy for real and then we can start planning the rest of our life together!"

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