Chapter Six

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Olivia sat and listened carefully to what her parents said about her six siblings. It sounded like Lena was a great big sister, and Olivia was hoping that Lena wouldn't be angry about her coming in and pushing her down to the second born.

"So, Liam is really into football?" Olivia asked as she walked out of the kitchen with the coffee pot in hand to refill the mugs sitting on the coffee table.

"He is. Like, obsessively in love with football." Dwayne spoke, his voice sounded light and as if he was about to start laughing about his oldest son's obsession.

"Lou loves football too. She really likes the Jets when they are winning, but then if they aren't she is all for the Steelers. It's as if she isn't loyal to New York at all." Olivia spoke, as she sank onto one of the armchairs and sat the empty coffee pot on the table.

"Well, I guess that we will be having you two over for the Super Bowl?" Serena asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Probably," Olivia replied, as the conversation came to an end and they sat in silence. Serena leaned forward and grabbed the binder from the table.

"What's this?" Serena asked, and Olivia sighed softly before shifting forward and sitting her mug on the table.

"Possible donors for Lou and me. She's going to try and get pregnant this next time because I don't think I could handle losing another baby." Olivia breathed, before reaching for the binder. Serena passed it to her and her face grew red with embarrassment.

"It must have been so hard." Dwayne breathed, and Olivia nodded.

"It was. Lou was with me through it all, and I'm so glad that she didn't stop loving me because I couldn't make us mothers... We both just seemed to love each other more." Olivia spoke, before opening the binder and flipping to one of the marked pages.

"Is that the donor you are picking?" Serena asked, and Olivia nodded.

"It's the same donor we picked before. Even if we lost our baby, we want our children to have the same donor. I know it really shouldn't matter because we didn't even get to meet it." Olivia sighed.

"Hopefully the kids get Lou's red hair, huh?" Serena asked, breaking the tension. Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I want little red-haired babies. Or at least one..." Olivia trailed off before hearing the front door open.

"Love?" Lou called into the apartment, and Olivia looked up at the clock and was wide-eyed when she noticed it was nearly 6 already. They had spent all day talking, but it only seemed like a few minutes.

"Hey, Lou. I didn't realize how late it was." Olivia spoke, as she met her girlfriend by the front door. Lou leaned forward and kissed Olivia a few times before caressing her cheek.

"Serena and Dwayne?" She whispered, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah. Can we see if they want to have dinner with us?" Olivia whispered back.

"Of course. They are your parents, baby. My soon to be inlaws."


Serena and Dwayne called their kids while Lou and Olivia started to figure out what to make for dinner. When Serena went to tell Olivia that the kids were going to fend for themselves tonight, she saw Olivia standing behind Lou with her arms wrapped around her body and her cheek pressed against Lou's long red locks.

Serena couldn't help but smile because she knew that even if she hadn't raised her daughter or had been with her through the hard moments, Lou had been. Lou had been taking care of her little girl for her and she knew that Olivia had been in good hands.

"Uh... so the kids said that they can figure out something to eat by themselves... so we are all yours for the night," Serena spoke, and Olivia turned around and smiled.

"Good. I really want you to get to know Lou more. Other than her bad taste in sports." Olivia spoke, and even though Lou knew her girlfriend was teasing her, she still elbowed Olivia a bit and did her fake laugh which made Olivia really laugh.

"I'd love to. Your father would love to also." Serena spoke, as Dwayne walked up behind her and placed his hand gently to her lower back.

"You know, I'd like to thank you, Dwayne. For loving me and for being so willing to take care of me when you had the chance to, even though I do not have your blood running through my veins." Olivia spoke, and Dwayne smiled at her.

"You're my kid. People who say otherwise can fuck themselves." Dwayne spoke. He was shocked when Olivia walked over and wrapped an arm around Serena and himself and hugged them tightly.

"It might be a bit early, but I love you both so much. I'm so thankful that I could find you both."


"They love you!" Olivia exclaimed, in between Lou kissing her. Olivia was so excited that her parents love Lou and were so very accepting of her and their relationship.

"Hey, girly. Shut up." Lou spoke, as she took her shirt off.

"What?" Olivia questioned. She was just so happy, that she didn't know why Lou told her to shut up.

"I know that you are so very happy, and it makes me happy to see your face actually light up when you smile. But babe, I don't want you to be talking about your parents when I do some very dirty stuff to you." Lou replied, and Olivia sighed softly but nodded.

"Okay. I promise. But I also need to tell you that they know that you and I are planning on having a baby. Or trying for a baby." Olivia spoke. Lou stopped and looked at her.

"They didn't get their hopes up, right? Because what happened to you could happen to me too." Lou spoke, and Olivia frowned before reaching out and pulling the love of her life close and placed her lips to her forehead gently.

"It won't happen to you. And I'll make sure of that. I'm going to take care of you and make sure that you never have to do anything." Olivia spoke, and Lou sighed before hugging Olivia tightly.

"I love you. But let's get back to what we were doing. I was having fun."

So, when I brought up the Steelers and the Jets, I had to Google them because I have no idea about anything regarding sports. Just ask Elliot_Michael_. I call it sports ball soo....

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