Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Serena left Olivia standing in the entryway of her house and headed back home. Olivia slowly shut the door before walking towards where Lou was laying Mathias in the bathchair that they had in the sink. Olivia slowly rolled her sleeves up before going over and starting to test the temperature of the water.

"What did your mom say?" Lou asked as she kept her eyes focused on the small boy that laid there in front of her.

"Nothing," Olivia replied with a small sigh.

"You promised to be open with me, so open up," Lou replied.

"You, Mathias, and your parents are my only family now. My siblings and mother agree with me."

"Agree with you about what?" Lou breathed, as she looked over at her fiancee.

"About killing Dwayne. I took my siblings' father from them. Now that it's confirmed, I'm going to bathe our child because he has some milk on his chin." Olivia spoke, before bumping Lou with her hip. She grabbed the washcloth from Lou before starting to gently rub Mathias' chest.

"Can you please listen to me sometimes? Truly listen to me when I tell you that you didn't cause his heart attack?" Lou asked, and Olivia shrugged.

"This is always going to be weighing heavy on my shoulders. I guess that it's just something I'll have to work through as carefully as possible."


"Do you want to elope?" Olivia questioned and Lou sighed.

"Thanks for changing the subject." She huffed.

"You are always welcome." Olivia sighed.


Serena went home and found her children all watching home videos in the basement. She walked over to the couch and gently rested her hand against Adam's shoulder as she saw Dwanye on the large screen as he helped Lena take her first steps.

"Did Daddy do that for all of us?" Emma asked, from where she sat between Katy and Eliza.

"He did. You all managed to take your first steps when he was around." Serena replied quietly. She ran her fingers through Adam's curly brown hair, before kissing the top of his head.

"Where did you go, Mom?" Lena questioned, and Serena sighed.

"I told Olivia to leave us alone. I told her that she killed your father. So she won't be around to mess everything up more." Serena spoke, and Lena looked down at her hands as the tape switched to a hospital room. Serena found herself looking at the screen as Dwayne taped her in the hospital bed with a newborn Liam in her arms and Lena was staring at the tiny redfaced baby with confusion in her brown eyes.

"It's going to really suck not having the chance to get to know Mathias and get to love him." Lena frowned. She reached out and grabbed the remote before pausing the video.

"Maybe Lou-" Katy started, but then Serena was quick to stop her.

"None of you will be seeing any of them. Do you hear me? They are the enemy. Olivia is the reason why your father is dead!" Serena exclaimed. Lena swallowed hard before standing and walking towards the stairs.

"He's just a baby, Mom. Aren't you going to miss not being involved in your grandson's life? The grandson that Daddy was so excited for?" Lena sighed, before walking up the stairs slowly as her heart ached for the sister, almost sister-in-law, and nephew that she was supposed to hate. She did hate them for a bit, but now she misses them. She misses her sister and biggest supporter.


Time moved faster after Olivia lost her family again. She and Lou got married quietly with only the crew and Lou's family in attendance. And Mathias grew so quickly, that before anyone knew it, it had been a year since he was born and since Dwayne died.

"Alright, it's time to go put flowers on Papa's grave." Olivia breathed, as she lifted Mathias from his car seat, as Lou grabbed the few bouquets of flowers from the back of the van.

"Papa?" Mathias questioned, as he rested his head against his mother's shoulder. Olivia nodded slowly as Lou walked up beside her before looping her arm through Olivia's for support.

"Yeah, your Papa. He isn't here anymore, but he's in heaven with your sister." Olivia replied.

"No, sissy there," Mathias replied, as he pointed at Lou's stomach. Olivia let a small smile slip onto her lips when she glanced down to where her wife's stomach was swollen with their third child, which just happened to be a little girl.

"You have another sister. She's older than you, and she's in heaven. Papa is taking care of her and making sure she isn't scared." Olivia replied as they walked across the unlevel ground. They finally got close enough to the grave when she saw Serena and her siblings standing there.

"Oh," Mathias said loudly because he finally processed what his mother said. He didn't understand, but he still listened. Serena looked up from where she was kneeling in front of her husband's grave and she saw Olivia, Lou, and Mathias standing on the path.

"Maybe we should come back later," Olivia whispered, as she turned to look at Lou.

"You have just as much of a right to be here as they do. Dwayne called you his child." Lou replied before she moved closer to the Houston's.

"Liv!" Emma exclaimed, and Olivia fought off tears as they walked closer.

"Hey, guys... Uh, we just wanted to put some flowers here... we will be gone in a few minutes." Olivia mumbled.

"Just leave now, Olivia," Serena replied.

"Mom, this is Mathias' grandfather, and clearly that baby's grandfather too. They deserve to mourn him too." Lena spoke, and Olivia quickly lifted her eyes to look at her sister. She was about to speak, but Mathias decided to make some noise.

"Hi!" He exclaimed over and over again as he waved at those around him. His eyes were bright and his face was flushed from the cold breeze.

"I didn't kill him," Olivia spoke, bravely. Serena's eyes quickly shot to her face.

"You don't believe that," Serena growled. Olivia shook her head.

"I do believe that, because with the help of my wife, son, and even my daughter... I realized that I had no control over what happened to him. It's just that I know I'm not welcomed here or anywhere near you all... but at least I didn't kill him and I know that. The ME knows that. But you are too pissed off to know that yourself."

Girl names are very much appreciated!

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